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ANDERSON, Margaret


Family Links

1. GORDON, William Minister of Urquhart parish, Chaplain to 71st Foot regiment, Reverend Mr

ANDERSON, Margaret 2

  • Baptised: 4 February 1779, Birnie parish, Moray, Scotland 2
  • Marriage (1): GORDON, William Minister of Urquhart parish, Chaplain to 71st Foot regiment, Reverend Mr on 12 July 1800 in Birnie parish, Moray, Scotland 1
  • Died: 24 October 1864, Elgin parish, Moray, Scotland

   User ID: G264.

  General Notes:

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from Births and Baptisms 2

Margaret married Reverend Mr William GORDON Minister of Urquhart parish, Chaplain to 71st Foot regiment, son of James GORDON in Laggan and Jean McWILLIAM, on 12 July 1800 in Birnie parish, Moray, Scotland.1 (Reverend Mr William GORDON Minister of Urquhart parish, Chaplain to 71st Foot regiment was baptised on 12 February 1744 in Mortlach parish, Banffshire, Scotland 2 3 and died on 18 July 1810.)

  Marriage Notes:

127 10 / 240

from Index of Marriages

(at Glenlivet in 1767)

"William Gordon, M.A. ; app. 24th 1767 Sept. 1767; ord. 23rd Aug. 1768; adm. to Urquhart (Elgin) 12th Jan. 1769."

(at Urquhart in 1769)

"William Gordon, born Mortlach, son of James G., Laggan of Auchindoune, and Jean McWilliam; educated at Marischal College, Aberdeen; M.A. (1761); licen. by Presb. of Strathbogie 6th May 1767; app. missionary at Glenlivet 24th Sept. that year; ord. by Presb. of Aberlour 23rd Aug. 1768; pres. by Alexander, Duke of Gordon, before 8th Sept. that year; adm. 12th Jan. 1769; died 18th July 1810. He marr. 12th July 1800, Margaret (died at Elgin, 24th Oct. 1864, aged 86), eldest daugh. of Joseph Anderson, min. of Birnie, and had issue George, min. of Birnie, born 23rd July 1801; James, born 6th Feb. 1803, died in 1810; William, M.D., H.E.I.C.S., born 26th Oct. 1804. Publication Account of the Parish (Sinclair's Stat. Acc., xv.). [Moray Tests.] "

from Fasti Ecclesiae

"1415- William. 1783, Apr. 26, Chaplain, 71st Ft. (L.G., 335). 1783-4, h.p. 1788, Mar. 15, 76th Ft. (ibid., 121). 1791, Apr. 2, ret. 1794, Feb. 10, or 1795, Oct. 3, looth Ft. (L.G., 1018). 1796, Dec., ret. (A.L., 1784-96).

Son of James, in Laggan, Mortlach (d. 1763); b. 1744; minister of Urquhart, 1769-1810; m 1800, Jul. 12, Margaret (1779-1864), dau. of Rev. Joseph Anderson, minister of Birnie, and had George, b. 1801, Jul. 23, and William, 1456. Gordon d. 1810, Jul. 18. Brother of James, 722, John, in Laggan, 906, first cousin of John, 915, and Thomas, 1332; related to Harry, 619, James, 739, and John, 932"

from Gordons Under Arms


1 GRO Scotland, OPR Index of Marriages.

2 GRO Scotland, OPR Index of Births and Baptisms -.

3 Old Parish Registers of the Church of Scotland, Mortlach parish Banffshire Baptisms.

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