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COMYN, Unknown Son 2 possible intervening generation
(About 1350-)
DE IRWYNE, Alexander 3rd of Drum, Sir
(About 1356-1411)
(About 1360-)
CUMIN, James of Inverallochy
(About 1385-)
IRVINE, Elizabeth
(About 1395-)
CUMYN, William of Inverallochy and Coulter
(About 1425-1478)


Family Links

1. MELDRUM, Elizabeth

CUMYN, William of Inverallochy and Coulter

  • Born: About 1425
  • Marriage (1): MELDRUM, Elizabeth 1
  • Died: soon after 1478 1

   User ID: Z452.

  General Notes:

"It has been seen that Tilliboy and Little Culter are described in the charter of 1324-5, conveying them to Alexander Bumard, as formerly the property of John of Walchop. It is rather left to be understood, than distinctly specified, that they had come into the King's hands by forfeiture, and it is not specified by whose forfeiture. A bounding charter was, as already noted, granted to Robert, son of Alan of Walchop, by Alexander II. in 1247 of Tilliboy, Culter, and Ardboik, including the lands in question. The heiress of the Walchop family had, late in the 13th century, married Comyn of Inverallochy, and the forfeiture may have been in his time, or his son's. But it is clear that by some transaction of - which we are ignorant - the Comyns soon recovered Culter and Tilliboy, the Bumets, however, not thoroughly acquiescing in their possession of these lands. William Comyn of Inverallochy and Culter was, at all events, so dissatisfied with his eldest son for uniting himself with a daughter of a family with whom he was at feud, that he threatened to disinherit him, and devolve both his paternal estates and those derived from the Wauchopes on a younger son, William."

from Family of Burnett

"In the charter-room of Castle Fraser, to which Inverallochy is now conjoined, there are charters of William Cuminge de Culter, Ennerallochy, &c, A.D. 1483, in which his sons, 'Alexander,' 'William,' 'James,' &c, are mentioned. Also a confirmation charter of John de Isla (1486), 'Dominus Insularum,' as baro barone de Kynedward, to William the son of William Cuming of Culter, of various lands."

from Bruces and Comyns 1 2

William married Elizabeth MELDRUM, daughter of Sir William DE MELDRUM 'of Petkary', then of Fyvie and Daughter PRESTON co-heiress of Fermartyn (Fyvie portion).1 (Elizabeth MELDRUM was born about 1428.)

  Marriage Notes:

"Alexander Burnet died shortly before 15th July, 1505 (Antiq. Ab. Banff, III., 341), leaving issue, besides his heir Alexander, a son Andrew, witness to a sasine in 1507 {Ibid., IV., 740), and a daughter, Christian, who in 1480 or 1481 married, in terms of a papal dispensation on the ground of propinquity, Alexander Cumyn, eldest son of William Cumyn of Culter.+ "

"(footnote) + Nisbet gives the following account of this marriage, Appendix, p. 57. Cumin of Coulter. ' V. William Cumin, who married Elizabeth Meldrum, daughter to Sir William Meldrum of Fyvie, Knight, and with her begot Alexander, his eldest son, and William Cumin his second the eldest married Christian Burnet, daughter to the Laird of Leys, his near kinswoman, and for the consanguinity procured a dispensation from the Pope, dated 11th January, 1480, now in the hands of Cumin of Coulter. His father, William, disliking the marriage, did dispose to his second son, William, the lands of Inverallachie and others he then had in Buchan, and reserved only the barony of Coulter with the pertinents to his eldest son." (pages 14 and 15)

from Family of Burnett 1


1 e-books, The Family of Burnett of Leys by George Burnett, ed. James Allardyce (1901).

2 e-books, Family Records of the Bruces and the Cumyns by M. E. Cumming Bruce (1870).

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