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GORDON, Alexander of Auchenhuive and Tulloch
(About 1583-)
(About 1586-)
GORDON, Patrick of Cairnwhelp
(About 1583-)
DUNBAR, Unknown
(About 1593-)
GORDON, William of Auchenhuive and Tulloch
(About 1612-1640)
GORDON, Nicolas
(About 1618-)
(About 1637-)


Family Links

1. KER, Alexander Minister of Grange parish, Reverend Mr


  • Born: About 1637
  • Marriage (1): KER, Alexander Minister of Grange parish, Reverend Mr before 29 May 1659 (sasine) 1 2

   Another name for Anne was GORDONE, Anna.2

   User ID: A973.

Anne married Reverend Mr Alexander KER Minister of Grange parish, son of Reverend Mr Andrew KER Minister of Glenbuchat parish and Christian BURNET, before 29 May 1659 (sasine).1 2 (Reverend Mr Alexander KER Minister of Grange parish was born in 1627 and died in 1693.)

  Marriage Notes:

(at Grange in 1652)

"Alexander, son of Andrew K., min. of Glenbuchat; educated at King's College, Aberdeen: M.A. (1647); licen. by Presb. of Alford; called 6th July 1651; ord. 8th Jan. 1652; he had a resignation of the Knock of Strathylay in favour of himself and his wife 7th March 1672. He was summoned before the Privy Council, 7th Nov. 1689, for not reading the Proclamation of the Estates and failing to pray for King William and Queen Mary, but his parishioners having affirmed that he had given obedience, he was acquitted; died in 1693, aged 66. He has been described as 'a man of great ability and unwearied activity, richly endowed with all the gifts necessary to a minister.'

He marr.

(1) Anne Gordon (see her remarkable tombstone at Grange), and had issue Isabel; Katherine; Bessie; Helen ...."

from Fasti Ecclesiae


The details of the marriages and children of this minister as recounted in
Fasti Ecclesiae should be treated with caution. They do not always match other information recorded about him.

(In graveyard of Grange parish)

"A slab of Portsoy marble, encased in free stone, built into the churchyard dyke, is thus inscribed :

(translated from Latin) [Alexander Kerr, a learned man, although not a doctor, second pastor of this church after the Reformation, but second to none in the faithful discharge of his sacred duties ; a man of great ability and unwearied activity, richly endowed with all the gifts necessary to a minister at home and abroad, taught, cultivated, and promoted, by voice, life, and example, truth, piety, and charity. Here, where he spent his strength, he laid down his remains, A.D. 1693, in the 66th year of his age, and the 43d of his ministry. Remember death. ]

Upon another stone :

[Associated (married) Aug. 16, 1666 (see Note below) : Here rest together in the Lord, Anna Gordon, the most pious wife of Mr Alex. Kerr, joint minister of Grange, and four daughters, in the same tomb.]"

from Epitaphs and Inscriptions


The date transcribed above as the date of Ker's first marriage, 1666, is clearly not accurate. See below.

"The Revd Alexander Ker, M.A., graduated at King's College Aberdeen, in 1647. He was ordained minister of Grange in 1652. He died in 1693. His second wife died in May, 1728.

29 May, 1659. Seasing Mr. Alexr Ker, minister at Grange, of the landes of Knock as prinll, and landes of Cranoches in spetiall warrandice yroff.

29 May, 1659. Seasing Anna Gordone, spous to Mr. Alex Ker, minister at Grange, of the landes of Thornetoune and Drumnaker in Knock."

from Records of the County of Banff 1 2 3


1 e-books, Fasti Ecclesiae Scoticanae by Hew Scott.

2 e-books, Records of the County of Banff 1660-1760 compiled by James Grant (1922).

3 e-books, Epitaphs and Inscriptions vol. 1 by Andrew Jervise (1875).

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