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GORDON, John of Invercharrach
(About 1497-)
INNES, Elspeth
(About 1516-)
GORDON, William of Achinarrow (Auchnarrow)
(About 1548-)
(About 1555-)
GORDON, John in Easter Kilnmaichlie
(About 1577-)


Family Links

1. Unknown

GORDON, John in Easter Kilnmaichlie 1

  • Born: About 1577
  • Marriage (1): Unknown

   User ID: G322.

  Research Notes:


The assumption being made here, on circumstantial grounds of date and location, is that it is this John Gordon who is the father of the three sons listed. Documentary proof of this has not yet been found, so it should be treated with great caution.


Also Kilmaichlie. Probably this is the modern Kilnmaichlie, north of Shenval on the west bank of the River Avon and of the B9008 in Banffshire, modern Moray. Also Haugh of Kilnmaichlie. 'Easter' like 'Wester' often denotes a particular homestead in that area.

"Kilnmaichlie House stands in woodland on the west bank of the River Avon, about 1.4 km north of its confluence with the River Livet. The place name is depicted on Robert Gordon's mid-seventeenth century map of Strathavon.... ...The property was subdivided into two farm cottages in the 18th century through to the 1980s, as part of the Ballindalloch estate."

from Canmore website

"The barony of 'Kilmylie' was, originally, one of those temporal baronies held by the Bishop of Moray. Later it was in the possession of the Stewarts and they retained it when they sold Drumin across the waters of the Avon. The ancient castle of Drumin in the 14th Century was the main seat of the Barony of Inveravon, stronghold of the Wolf of Badenoch, who gave it to his bastard son Sir Andrew Stewart, whose heir Sir William sold it to the Gordons. The Laird of Grant bought Kilmaichlie in the 18th Century and it also formed part of the estates of Ballindalloch for a time."

from Chapleton 2 3

John married.


1 e-books, The House of Gordon vol. 1 ed. John Malcolm Bulloch (1903) Balbithan MS.

2 Internet Site, http://www.cushnieent.force9.co.uk/Moray%20Churches/chapleton.htm Chapleton.

3 Internet Site, http://canmoremapping.rcahms.gov.uk.

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