GORDON, James 1
- Born: About 1537
- Marriage (1): FORBES, Barbara 1
Another name for James was GORDON, James of Auchtirarne..2
User ID: E748.
General Notes:
"James (who is also said by some to have been a natural son) was November 29, 1564, served heir to him (his brother Patrick who did not live long) as 'haeres Patricii Gordoun, filii legitimi et naturalis Georgii Gordoun de Lesmoir, fratris germani, in dimidia terrarum de Auchterarne, Tulloch, Tanamoyen, Blakmyln' (Retours, November 29, 1564).
Part of the other half of Auchterarne belonged at this time to Arthur Skene, who in 1604 sold and granted a charter as portioner of Ouchterarne, in favour of Alexander Gordon of Lesmoir, his heirs male and assignees, of half of the shady half of the lands of Ouchterarne, etc., dated Aberdeen, May 30, 1604 (Records of Aboyne, p. 185). On the death of this James Gordon (Patrick's brother) John Gordon of Glasgowforest was served heir, December 20, 1574, of James Gordon of Auchterarne, his brother german, in half of the lands of Auchterarne, Tulloch, Tanemoyen and Blackmylne (Retours, December 20, 1574).
On March 9. 1581-82, John Gordon of Glascowforest granted a charter of the same lands to Alexander Gordon of Tillyminate, his brother german and heir apparent of Lesmoir, and his heirs male, for a certain sum of money to be held from the granter of the King for the usual services. Both these charters were confirmed at Edinburgh, September 25, 1607 Records of Aboyne, p. 102, and Great Seal, vi., No. 1975). These transactions imply that both Patrick (who is not mentioned in the Balbithan MS.) and James were full brothers of Alexander and John, and legitimate. Note that Tillyminate was by 1581 in the hands of the Lesmoir family, and that Alexander of Lesmoir and his son and apparent heir, James, sold Auchterarne to Alexander Gordon of Cluny by charter confirmed at Edinburgh, February 23, 1603 (Great Seal, vi., No. 2036)."
from Lesmoir 2
Research Notes:
The model of the descent of the Gordons of Salterhill from this James Gordon laid out here is still at the level of supposition. Some of the pointers are: 1 Bulloch indicates that there was an acceptance by some, without proof, that the Salterhill Gordons were descendants of the Lesmoir family 2 the lack of proof, alluded to above, suggests a cadet relationship of a few generations' standing; moreover the family appear to have moved away from the traditional North East Gordon commitment to the Roman Catholic faith and espoused presbyterian sympathies 3 the Gordonstoun Gordons were supporters of this family, and of practical help on a number of occasions, and the Gordonstoun Gordons were linked to the Lesmoir Gordons through common Stewart ancestors; there may have been other later family links 4 the continued use of the given name James in the family is not typical of all Gordon family groups 5 the generation dates and divisions fit appropriately 6 the naming patterns of children down the line, especially in the continued use of Barbara is also suggestive of descent from this couple
James married Barbara FORBES, daughter of Robert FORBES 6th of Echt and Janet FRASER.1 (Barbara FORBES was born about 1548.)
Marriage Notes:
"Robert (Forbes), his third son, succeeded. He married Janet Fraser of Durris, relict of John Cheyne of Arnage, and had issue, John, his heir, and Barbara, who married (1) James, son of George Gordon of Lesmoir, and (2) Gilbert, son of the Laird of Skene."
from House of Forbes
In Lesmoir, Wimberley stated that:
"James Gordon .... married, according to Matthew Lumsden's genealogy of the house of Forbes, Barbara, daughter to Robert Forbes of Echt, and relict of John Cheyne of Arnage."
This is not so, in fact. What Lumsden wrote was:
"Robert Forbes of Echt married Janet Fraser, daughter to the Robert Laird of Duires, and relict of John Chein of Arnage, who did bear to him John Forbes, Laird of Echt, with a daughter called Barbara, who was married to James Gordon, sone to George Gordon of Lesmorr, and yr'after to Gilbert Skeen, son to the Laird of Skeen." 1 2 3