DUFF, James of Bade 1User ID: B742. James married Jean GORDON, daughter of John GORDON 4th of Abachie (Avochie) and Daughter CAMPBELL.1 (Jean GORDON was born about 1604.) Marriage Notes: "James Duff and Barbara Gordon had a son, also named James, who, on October 2, 1618, got a wadset for 2000 merks on the lands of Robieston then occupied by him (Gordon Castle Charters), and other charters and sasines, dated 1619, 1620, and 1621 (Ibid.). By the charter of February 12, 1620, James Duff of Bade (son of James Duff and Barbara Gordon) and his wife, Jean Gordon, a daughter of John Gordon, third of Avochie, grant reversion to the Marquis of Huntly of part of the lands of Hatton and Drumbulg, and a fresh charter is granted to them, by which they are infeft in the said lands, July 1, 1621." (page 452) |
1 e-books, The Book of the Duffs vol. 2 compiled by A and H Tayler(1914).
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