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ANDERSON, John in Ardbrake, Banffshire
(About 1598-)
(About 1600-1670)
LESLIE, Robert 3rd of Findrassie
(About 1587-)
FORBES, Isabel
(About 1593-)
ANDERSON, James of Wester Ardbrake, Banffshire
(About 1626-)
LESLIE, Catherine
(About 1628-)
ANDERSON, John of Westerton


Family Links

1. GORDON, Jean

ANDERSON, John of Westerton 2

  • Baptised: 1 August 1647, Boharm parish, Banffshire, Scotland 3
  • Marriage (1): GORDON, Jean 1683(contract) in New Machar parish, Aberdeenshire, Scotland 1

   Other names for John were ANDERSON, Jon. 1 and ANDERSONE, Jon..1 3

  General Notes:

Old Parish Register
Boharm Parish Banffshire

"1 August
Jon Andersone S to James Andersone and Jeane Leslie in Auchmades Jon Duncane Jon Rob margret irwing"

Note: Although the name of the mother here is recorded as Jeane, it would still appear to be this family. Katherine had a sister Jeane and her mother was Jean, and the clerk may have made an error as a result, not an uncommon occurrence.

Records of the County of Banff
outlined the election by Barons and Freeholders in Banffshire for Commissioners of the Shire, John Anderson was found wanting in his religious status, even though his family had not been Stuart supporters:

'Banff, 6th Merch, 1689 yeires.
The said day the Barrens and Freeholders off the shyre being conveened ... and ther being produced his Highnes the Prince of Orange letter, under his hand and seall off the date at St. Jamesses the ffyft day of ffebruary last bypast ... to choose their Comissioners for the melting off the sd Estates at Edr the sd 14 day of Merch, and to leave a coppy yroff and of the sd intiman containing the day for electione affixed on the sd Croce, the Freeholders being Protestants and having the value of lands requyred by the law for making electione, the Comissrs being Protestants without any other exception or limitation, as the sd letter of the sd date forsd bears...

In the next place before proceeding to the election off the Comissioners it wes objected against Westertounc that he can not have vote in the forsd election, because he is denuded of any right he can pretend to his lands in favors off Richard Maitland, donatur to his forfaultur, who stands infeft publicklie yrin under the great seall, and he not present. Secondlie, any right he hes or could pretend yrto before he wes denuded holds off the Lo of Balveny, and by particular act of the Excheqr reserving right of the superiortie to the superiors of Balveny, and yr ane decreit off the Lords of Session standing against him and the sds lands for ther fewdeutie of the same : Qrupon instruments wes taken be my Lord Boyn and Bracco as having right to the sd superioritie. To the which it wes ansered by Wcstertoun that he hes a right from the true heritor.'

The following sasine minutes throw some light on the Andersons of Westertoune, Botriphnie, an estate now and for long in the hands of the Duffs of Drummuir. Issobell Douglas, wife of James Anderson, was a daughter and co-heir of Dr. Alexander Douglas, Provost of Banff and Sheriff of the county, a covenanter and a supporter of
Cromwell's rule. The two extracts from Lord Fountainhall's notes show that their son, young Anderson, referred to in the above minute of 1689, had inherited similar views.

"23 January, 1665. Seasing Johne Andersone, now of Arbreak, of the toune and lands of Midle and Easter Ardbrake, Slagraney, Shenwall, and croft of land called ye Letache myln and mylnlands of Ardbrake, wt the foure oxegate lands of the Davauch of Auchmadies, Ile and Dask w'in ye Kirk of Botriffnie."

"23 January, 1665. Seasing Johne Andersone, now of Arbreak, of the toune and lands of Midle and Easter Ardbrake, Slagraney, Shenwall, and croft of land called ye Letache myln and mylnlands of Ardbrake, wt the foure oxegate lands of the Davauch of Auchmadies, Ile and Dask w'in ye Kirk of Botriffnie."

'Anderson, younger of Westertown, is, upon Duff of Bracco's delation to the Chancellor, imprisoned in Edinburgh Tolbooth, for treasonable words in the tavern, at a glass of wine, by asserting the lawfulness of defensive weapons against tyranicall principles, and impugning the King's absolute power, assumed in the late Proclaimation of Toleration implyed; immediately a proces of Treason is raised, and his compearance to be 28th of March; he raised an exculpation on thir grounds, that anything that's past wes but problematick only for argument; and the witnesses were in law inhabile, Bracco bearing him mortall hatred, and had appealed him to a duell, though they were now drinking together; and Dunbar, Session Clerk of Elgine, one of the witnesses, stands infamous in a sentence; he was willing to take the new oath, and the Cause is continued, 16th March, 1687. Anderson of Westertown, having come in the King's mercy for treassonable words delated by Duff of Bracco, is forfeited, 26th July, 1687.'

'In the same roll (the Pasch roll of 1693) appeared "Jon Anderson of Westertown for Westertown," and in the Michaelmas 1693 roll for "Ardbrack" in addition. John Anderson dropped from the suite roll in Pasch, 1700.'

from Records of the County of Banff

This is probably the same John Anderson:

"The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2013), date accessed: 13 October 2013

William II and Mary II: Manuscript > 1690, 15 April, Edinburgh, Parliament > Additional Sources > 22 July 1690

[Petition for John Anderson, younger, of Westerton]
Unto his grace his majesties high commissioner and the honorable estates of parliament, John Anderson, younger, of Westertoun

Humblie sheweth,

That wher your petitioner wes most unjustlie forfaulted and sentanced by the then lords of justiciarie, contrair to justice and the fundamentall lawes of the kingdome, which he could evidentlie make appeir if this session of parliament wer to sit till it could be brought in,

May it therfor please your grace and the honorable estates of parliament to remitt his complaint for the said unjust forfaulture to the commission of parliament appoynted to sit efter this session. And your grace and lords answer.

Jo[hn] Anderson

Edinburgh, July 22 1690
Their majestys hie commissioner and the estates of parliament, having considered the above petition, they doe remit the same to the commission appointed for fines and forefaulturs to take tryall anent the forefaultur of the petitioner and to report the same to nixt session of this or any enshueing parliament.

Crafurd, p[resident]

NAS. PA6/27, 'Appendix, July 22 1690'." 3 4 5

  Research Notes:


Auchmadies seems to have passed out of the hands of the family of Anderson for in the Roll for Michaelmas Court, 1675 is found in Records of the County of Banff:

"The Laird of Pluscarden (McKenzie) for the lands oft' Auchmadies."

The estate of Auchmadies in the parish of Boharm, and now embraced within the bounds of Arndilly, for long belonged to the Chiefs of the Grants. It was sold by them to the Grants of Arndilly, cadets of the Chiefs of the Grants, between 1774, and 1785.
The entry in the suite roll of the Laird of Pluscarden for the lands of Auchmadies ceased at Michaelmas, 1677.

'1st November, 1687. Saising Colline MacKenzie of Pluscarden, air to umql. Thomas McKenzie of Pluscarden, his father, of the dauch lands of Achmadies . . . upon a precept out of the chancellarie.' "

"At the same Court, after the name of Auchintoul, was added that of Ludovick Grant, Chief of the Grants, for the lands of Achmadies."

John married Jean GORDON, daughter of Robert GORDON 7th of Pitlurg and Jean MAITLAND, 1683(contract) in New Machar parish, Aberdeenshire, Scotland.1 (Jean GORDON was born about 1661.)

  Marriage Notes:

Old Parish Registers
New Machar parish Aberdeenshire

" (day and month faded or absent, entry lies between february 8 [16]-83 and May 3 [16]-83)
John Anderson
Jane Gordon
John Anderson of Westerton & Jean Gordon daughter to Laird of Straloch contarcted marriage"


1 LDS Family Search, IGI.

2 Internet Site, http://www.thepeerage.com.

3 Old Parish Registers of the Church of Scotland, Boharm Parish Banffshire Baptisms 1647.

4 e-books, Records of the County of Banff 1660-1760 compiled by James Grant (1922).

5 Internet Site, http://www.rps.ac.uk/~rps/search.php?action=print&id=id21499&filename=william_and_mary_ms&type=ms.

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