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(About 1622-)


Family Links

1. ERSKINE, John Fiar of Dun, Sir

2. ALLARDICE, Thomas of Duninald, Tutor of Allardice

LICHTON, Agnes 2 3

  • Born: About 1622
  • Marriage (1): ERSKINE, John Fiar of Dun, Sir about 1637 1 2
  • Marriage (2): ALLARDICE, Thomas of Duninald, Tutor of Allardice by 1649 2

   User ID: D301.

Agnes married Sir John ERSKINE Fiar of Dun, son of Sir Alexander ERSKINE 12th (13th) of Dun and Margaret LINDSAY, about 1637.1 2 (Sir John ERSKINE Fiar of Dun was born about 1622 and died by 1649 (dvp) 2 3.)

  Marriage Notes:

"He (Thomas Allardice) married (by 1649) Agnes, daughter of Patrick Leighton of Duninald. Agnes had first married (circa 1637) John Erskine of Dun, brother of David, Laird of Dun. The first husband died in the 1640s."

from Barons of Allardice

"Some have supposed Ann (Beaton) to be the widow of Sir John Erskine, eldest son of Alexander's first marriage, who predeceased his father; but that is absurd. The fact that Ann was not Sir John's wife rests under the aegis of the Great Seal; for the confirmation of a charter by Alexander, dated 1643, speaks of 'Agnes Lichtoun, widow of the said Sir John.'1(1 Reg. Mag. Sig.)"

from Lairds of Dun 1 2

Agnes next married Thomas ALLARDICE of Duninald, Tutor of Allardice, son of John ALLARDICE 9th of that Ilk and Helen BURNET, by 1649.2 (Thomas ALLARDICE of Duninald, Tutor of Allardice was born about 1621 and died before 4 March 1697 and probably about 1687 2.)

  Marriage Notes:

"Thomas, of Duninald in Angus. This Thomas appears on more documents than the lairds of Allardice of this period, perhaps because the lairds all died young before they had a chance to become too involved in public affairs. A 1649 charter to his wife (Agnes Leighton) calls him tutor of Allardice. In 1657 Oliver Cromwell, then protector of England and Scotland, granted to Thomas and his heirs lands in Fawside and Thornton.

In 1663 the crown granted Duninald (2 miles south of the town of Montrose) to Thomas. In 1681 he was appointed commissioner of excise (tax) for Kincardineshire. Thomas died before March 4, 1697, and probably closer to 1687.

He married (by 1649) Agnes, daughter of Patrick Leighton of Duninald .... Thomas and Agnes had issue"

from Barons of Allardice 2


1 e-books, The Lairds of Dun by Violet Jacob (1931).

2 Internet Site, http://www.allardice.org/barons/5barons.htm Barons of Allardice 5 The Barons.

3 Newspaper, Magazine or Journal, The Scottish Antiquary, or, Northern Notes and Queries Vol. 6, No. 22 (1891) Erskine of Dun by A. W. Cornelius Hallen.

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