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STEWART, John 4th Lord Innermeath
(About 1516-1570)
BETON (BETHUNE), Elizabeth
(About 1517-)
OGILVY, James 4th Lord Ogilvy of Airlie
(About 1500-1548)
(About 1502-1562)
STEWART, James 5th Lord Innermeath
(About 1538-1585)
(About 1538-)
STEWART, Elizabeth
(About 1559-)


Family Links

1. GARDYNE, David of that Ilk

STEWART, Elizabeth 1 2 3

  • Born: About 1559
  • Marriage (1): GARDYNE, David of that Ilk 4 October 1580(contract) 1 2

   User ID: J21.

Elizabeth married David GARDYNE of that Ilk, son of Patrick GARDYNE of that Ilk and Agnes GARDYNE 'of Leys', 4 October 1580(contract).1 2 (David GARDYNE of that Ilk was born about 1555.)

  Marriage Notes:

"Elisabeth (Stewart), married, contract 4 October 1580, to David Gardin of that Ilk."

from Scots Peerage (vol 5)

The following extracts from the Register of the Great Seal show that 'the Laird of Gairn' was Gardyn of that ilk. and that William of Knockespock' s wife was Helen Gardin or Gardyn, daughter of Mr David Gardyn of Gardyn, and that they were married before 7 October 1601.

Mention is made of this lady as spouse of William Gordoun, 'fiar of Knockaspeck,' in a contract dated 17 October 1601, which is referred to in a charter dated at Edinburgh and other places in March to April 1604. The King confirmed a charter of William Rowan of Ballindane, by which - in virtue of a contract between the deceased Sir William Rollok of Gardyn, and Jean Stewart, his spouse, with consent of Mr David Gardyn, formerly de eodem, for himself, and as heir of the deceased John, his brother, and Helen Gardyn, daughter of the said Mr David, with consent of William Gordoun, fiar of Knockaspeck, her husband, on the one part, and the deceased Sir William Rowan of Ballindean, father of the said William Rowan, then of Ballindean, Lady Jean (or Katharine) Stewart, his spouse, himself and Christian Barclay, his spouse, on the other part dated at Edinburgh and . . . 17 Oct. 1601, and . . . - he sold to Sir Robert Crychtoun of Cluny, his heirs and assigns whomsoever, the lands of Airlywrycht, with the fortalice. manor place, &c [and various other lands] in the barony of Auchtergawin, Sheriffdom of Perth. Dated at Edinburgh, Rattray, &c, . . . . 15 and 19 March and 25 April 1604; and the King granted the lands de novo. Confirmed at Edinb., 18 September 1606. (R.M.S., V., 1796.)

The same Helen Gardyn is also incidentally mentioned in the next extract, which gives details of another charter granted at Edinburgh in March 1607, and confirmed there in July following, which also refers to a contract dated 1601.

It was granted by Andrew Rollok (or Rollo), son and heir of the deceased Sir Walter Rollok de Gairden and Lady Jean Stewart, with consent of his curators and the said Jean, and by the said John, for himself, and by it - in fulfilment of a contract made between the said Walter and Jean, with consent of Mr David Gardyn, Elizabeth Stewart, his spouse, George Gardyn, his brother, for himself, and as heir of the late John, his brother, and Helen Gardyn, daughter of the said David with consent of William Gordoun, fiar of Knockespick, her husband, on the one part, and the deceased Sir William Rowan of Ballindene, William R., his son, fiar of the same, the deceased Lady Katharine Stewart, spouse of the said Sir William, and Christian Barclay, spouse of William R., younger, on the other part, dated at Dunkeld, 7 October 1601; and by virtue of a decree arbitral, &c, &c, and also of an assignation, &c, &c. - they sold to Sir Robert Creichtoun of Cluny, his heirs and assigns, the lands and barony of Gairdyn [then follows the description of the lands of the barony] in the Sheriffdom of Forfar. Dated [i.e., the charter of sale] at Edinb., 21 March 1607. Confirmed at Edinb., 1 July 1607."

from Gordon of Knockespock 1 2


1 e-books, A Genealogical Account of the Family of Gordon of Knockespock by Douglas Wimberley (1903).

2 e-books, The Scots Peerage ed. Sir James Balfour Paul vol. 5 (1908).

3 Gordon MacGregor, The Red Book of Scotland, Vol. 4 Gardyne of that Ilk by Gordon MacGregor (2022).

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