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ALEXANDER, Robert of Boigholl
(About 1590-Before 1643)
ALEXANDER, John Advocate in Edinburgh, Mr
(About 1620-Before 1663)


Family Links

1. JAMESON, Marjorie

ALEXANDER, John Advocate in Edinburgh, Mr

  • Born: About 1620
  • Marriage (1): JAMESON, Marjorie 1
  • Died: Before 26 June 1663 2

   Other names for John were ALEXANDER, Jhone 3 and ALEXANDER, Johne.1

   User ID: E570.

  General Notes:

"Alexander, John. Before May, 1643.

Son of Robert Alexander, heritor of the sunny half lands of Boigholl. Married Marjory, eldest dau. of George Jamesone, the painter, with issue, of whom George, the second son, was admitted guild burgess 26th September, 1676. Died before 26th June, 1663."

"Note 3 On 26th June, 1663, Marjory Jamesone, as 'relict of the late Mr. John Alexander, advocate,' had a tack from Marischal College, for a term of 76 years, of the croft called the White Friars yards, at a rent of 43 merks Scots. Anderson's Aberdeen Friars, p. 118.

"Note 4 In March, 1645, Alexander was one of the 'four discreit weill set burgessis' appointed to wait upon Montrose, and to point out 10 him the disastrous consequences that would follow to Aberdeen unless 'assureans of saiftie and protectioun' given. Spalding's Memorialls of the Trubles, II., pp. 452-53."

from History of Society of Advocates

"Decree Books : Vol. VDL, Contents 1643.... May 5. Removing. Mr. John Alexander, Advocat v. Alexr. Irving, sometime of Beltie then in Boighoill. The Pursuer represented the Tutors and Curators of the 'bairnes' of the late Robert Alexander, his father, who were heritors of the sunny half lands of Boigholl, from which the Defender had bound himself to remove within eight days after signing a Renunciation at Kinmundie on 28 March preceding."

from Records of Aberdeenshire Sheriff Court

(15 January 1645) "Eodem die. The said day anent the supplication gevin in be Mr John Alexander, advocat in Edinburgh, makand mention that quhair that peice of ground callit the Playfeild, besyd the Womanhill (quhilk wes set to vmquhill favouris of George Jameson, painter, burges of Edinburgh, in liferent, and buildit be him in a garden), is now vnprofitable, and that the said Mr John Alexander, son-in-law to the said vinquhill George, is desyreous to have the same peice of ground set to him in few heretable, to be hauldin of the provest, balllies, counsell, and communitie of the burghe of Aberdein and thair successoris, for peyment of a reasonable few deutie yeirly thairfoir: Humblie thairfoir supplicating thair honours of the counsell to set in few heretable to him the foirsaid peice of ground for payment of a reasonable feu deutie yeirlie, as in the said supplication at mair lenth is contenit : Quhilk being red, sein, and considerit, and they thairwith ryplie, and at length advysed, the saids provest, baillies, and counsall ordanes ane heretable few charter to be past and exped to the said Mr John Alexander, his aires, maill, and successores, of the foirsaid plot of ground, callit the Playfeild, a garden sometyme possest be the said vmquhill George Jameson, for payment of four pundis Scotis money yeirlie of few deutie to the touns thesaurar and his successors at Witsunday and Martimes in winter, be equall portions, the first terms payment to be and begin at the feast and terme of nixt to come, and sua furth, yeirlie, in all tymes heirafter, and ordanes the limits of the said garden to be set doun and boundit in the foirsaid charter after the sichting of the ground be the said provest and baillies, quhilk the counsell appoints to be visited the morne, and that in respect the haill inhabitants ofthis burghe being convenit within the tolbuith of the same, vpon the seivint day of January instant, they all in ane voice but any contradiction gaue their expres consent and assent to the heretable fewing of the said peice of ground vpon sic conditiones and for payment of sic yeirlie few as the magistrats and councell sould think expedient."

from Extracts from the Council Register of the Burgh of Aberdeen 4

John married Marjorie JAMESON, daughter of George JAMESONE Painter and Issobell TOSCHE.1 (Marjorie JAMESON was born about 1627.)

  Marriage Notes:

In the entry for the advocate John Alexander: "Married Marjory, eldest dau. of George Jamesone, the painter"

from History of the Society of Advocates in Aberdeen

"All (George) Jameson's sons died in early life. One of his daughters, Marjorie, was married to Mr. John Alexander, advocate ; but we have not been informed of anything which relates to their offspring."

from Annals of Aberdeen (vol 1) 1 2


1 e-books, Annals of Aberdeen vol.1 by William Kennedy (1818).

2 e-books, History of the Society of Advocates in Aberdeen ed. John A. Henderson (1912).

3 GRO Scotland, OPR Index of Births and Baptisms.

4 e-books, Records of the Sheriff Court of Aberdeenshire ed. David Littlejohn (1904-1907).

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