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DUNBAR, David Dean of Moray
(About 1515-)
DUNBAR, Alexander of Cragheid, Dean of Moray
(About 1540-1593)
REID, Catherine
(About 1540-1610)
DUNBAR, Robert of Burgie, Minister of Rafford and Altyre, Reverend Mr
(About 1564-1650)


Family Links

1. SHARP, Isobel


DUNBAR, Robert of Burgie, Minister of Rafford and Altyre, Reverend Mr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

  • Born: About 1564
  • Marriage (1): SHARP, Isobel 1 June 1604(contract) 1 2 3
  • Marriage (2): CAMPBELL, Jean 1 4 5
  • Died: by 8 March 1650 4

   User ID: B519.

  General Notes:

(at Rafford and Altyre in 1590)
ROBERT DUNBAR of Burgie, son of Alexander IX, dean of Moray, and incumbent here before the Reformation ; adm. irregularly before Aug. 1590, John Innes, min. of Urquhart, being accused at the General Assembly on 5th
Aug. 1590, for admitting R. D. to the ministry without the advice of the Presb. of Forres, and answering 'there was no presbytrie thair the tyme of his tryll but it was erectit before his admissione and he did it be advyce of the Presbytrie of Elgine, quherin he confest he did raschlie'; the Assembly on 12th Aug. found the admission null and rescinded it. D. was afterwards regularly adm. ; still min. in 1597. He rnarr. (1) Isobel Sharp, and had issue Margaret (marr. Patrick Dunbar of Westerton, Pluscarden) ; Jean ; Isabella (marr. George Leith of Overhall) ; Elizabeth : (2) Jean Campbell, and had issue- Robert of Burgie. [Booke of the Kirk ; Shaw's Hist., iii., 410.]"

from Fasti Ecclesiae

"By a deed dated Forres, March 8, 1650, and registered in the Elgin Commissary Record of Dec. 10, 1652, Jean Campbell, relict of Robert Dunbar of Burgie, with the consent of George Gordon of Newton, 'my future spous for his entres,' binds herself 'for the love and favour quhilk I bear towards Robert Dunbar of Burgie, my sone,' to pay to her son 200 merks yearly out of her conjunct fee lands during life of herself and George Gordon of Newton." (pages 312 and 313)

from House of Gordon 1 4

Robert married Isobel SHARP, daughter of Mr John SHAIRPE of Howstoun, Advocate and Unknown, 1 June 1604(contract).1 2 3 (Isobel SHARP was born about 1580.)

  Marriage Notes:

"He (Robert Dunbar) rnarr. (1) Isobel Sharp, and had issue Margaret (marr. Patrick Dunbar of Westerton, Pluscarden) ; Jean ; Isabella (marr. George Leith of Overhall); Elizabeth : (2) Jean Campbell, and had issue- Robert of Burgie. [Booke of the Kirk ; Shaw's Hist., iii., 410.]"

from Fasti Ecclesiae

Charter by Robert Dunbar of Burgie to Isobel Schairpe [Sharp], daughter of Mr John Schairpe [Sharp] of Howstoun [Houstoun], advocate, his future spouse, in liferent, of the mansion house and fortalice of Burgie, the sunny half of the lands of Littill Burgie alias Lawrestoun and Borgharberie, the third east part of the lands of Hemprigis and the sixth west part of said lands of Hemprigis, all lying in the barony and regality of Kinloise [Kinloss], and sheriffdom of Elgin and Forres."

from GD30/256

Marriage Contract between Mr John Shairpe [Sharp] of Howstoun [Houstoun], advocate, and Isobel Schairpe, his daughter, on the one part, and Robert Dunbar of Burgie, on the other part."

from GD30/769

Charter by Robert Dunbar of Burgie to Isobel Scharpe [Sharp], daughter of Mr John Scharpe [Sharp] of Houstoun, now his spouse, in liferent, of the mansion house and fortalice of Burgie, and lands as in charter GD30/256."

from GD30/257 1 2 3 7

Robert next married Jean CAMPBELL.1 4 5 (Jean CAMPBELL was born about 1590 and died in 1655 8.)

  Marriage Notes:

"(George) Gordon (3rd of Newton) married (2) in 1650 Jean Campbell, widow of
Robert Dunbar of Burgie. On December 26, 1650, there is instrument of sasine to

'Jean Campbell, relict of vmqll Robert Dunbar of Burgie, proceeding on a matrimonial contract (of date at Forres, March 8, 1650) between George Gordon of Newton (with consent of James, his eldest son, and of John Gordon of ) and infefting her in lands of Ledinghame Meikle and Litle and toll and custom of Sanct Saires Fair';

registered at Aberdeen, Dec. 27, 1650....

By a deed dated Forres, March 8, 1650, and registered in the Elgin Commissary Record of Dec. 10, 1652, Jean Campbell, relict of Robert Dunbar of Burgie, with the consent of George Gordon of Newton, 'my future spous for his entres,' binds herself 'for the love and favour quhilk I bear towards Robert Dunbar of Burgie, my sone,' to pay to her son 200 merks yearly out of her conjunct fee lands during life of herself and George Gordon of Newton." (pages 312 and 313)

from Cadets of Lesmoir

"He (Robert Dunbar) rnarr. (1) Isobel Sharp, and had issue Margaret (marr. Patrick Dunbar of Westerton, Pluscarden) ; Jean ; Isabella (marr. George Leith of Overhall) ; Elizabeth : (2) Jean Campbell, and had issue- Robert of Burgie. [Booke of the Kirk ; Shaw's Hist., iii., 410.]"

from Fasti Ecclesiae

Burgies Papers Tacks, bonds & assignations etc. of Jean Campbell, relect of Robert Dunbar of Burgie, and her son, 1643-8. Discharges for mails etc. 1607-37"

from GD298/326 1 4 5


1 e-books, Fasti Ecclesiae Scoticanae vol. 6 Aberdeen & Moray by Hew Scott.

2 National Records of Scotland, GD30 Papers of the Shairp family of Houston, West Lothian 1455-1926 GD30/769.

3 National Records of Scotland, GD30 Papers of the Shairp family of Houston, West Lothian 1455-1926 GD30/256.

4 e-books, The House of Gordon vol. 2 ed. John Malcolm Bulloch (1907) Cadets of Lesmoir: Newton by J.M. Bulloch assisted by D. Wimberley.

5 National Records of Scotland, GD298 Messrs. Hunter, Harvey, Webster & Will [c 1365]-1924 GD298/326.

6 e-books, A Genealogical Deduction of the Family of Rose of Kilravock by Hew Rose and Lachlan Shaw (1848).

7 National Records of Scotland, GD30 Papers of the Shairp family of Houston, West Lothian 1455-1926 GD30/257.

8 Internet Site, http://www.clanmacfarlanegenealogy.info/genealogy.

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