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GORDON, Robert in Gollachy
(About 1561-)
GORDON, John of Gollachy
(About 1604-)
GORDON, Alexander of Upper Dallachy, Major
(About 1653-)


Family Links

1. GORDON, Elspet

2. GRANT, Jean

GORDON, Alexander of Upper Dallachy, Major 1

  • Born: About 1653
  • Marriage (1): GORDON, Elspet 1
  • Marriage (2): GRANT, Jean after 12 May 1690 1 2

   Other names for Alexander were GORDON, Alexr of Upper Dalochie, Major 2 and GORDOUNE, Alex. of Dolochie.

   User ID: B333.

  General Notes:

"(Gordon), Alexander, portioner of Dallachy. See John, Dallachy S. H., 21 Aug. 1727"

"(Gordon), John, to his father Alexander, portioner of Dallachy h. gen. S. H., 27 Jan.; 21 Aug. 1727"

from House of Gordon

In Seafield Correspondence, in the chapter "Letters during the Period Sir James Ogilvie was Secretay of State for Scotland under William from 1696 to 1702", there is a letter from "Alex. Gordoune" from Dolochie". It is prefaced: "The two next letters (of which A.G.'s is the second) and James Baird's of 24th November 1696 refer to the dearth in Scotland consequent on the failure of the crops of 1695 and 1696."

thes are Dolochie,1 the 25 of July 96.

My Lord, - recaved your, and for ansr his Grace the Duks meall is all and evre pickell of it giuen out yesterdaye, and ther had bein lyk to be a mischeiffe abut the hinder end of it, stryving who should haue it amonsgt his ouen wassells and servants in Achendoune, Glenliuet, Strathbogie, and Einze; and I am greatle quarld be all, that your Lordshipe or anie ellse should haue anie, and anie of his Graces cuntry lyking to sterue. They tell me it is whigishe inclinations leids me to that prefference, so that Mr. Dunbare told me that he had consented that your Lordshipe should haue my chalder but none of his Graces; and trulie, my Lord, ther was sextein libs, for each boll prest upon me yesternight be John Hameltone for each boll, and he told me plainlie efter I had refust him that, if he had got it, he was assurd of 20 libs, for the boll within ten dayes. Befor your Lo. letter came to my hand, I had wrat to Arnbathe and ane other letter to Castlfeild of the pryce, and what method was necessare to be taken about the convoying it out of this cuntraye, which I hope ye will get ane acompt of be Castelfeild and the bearer heirof. Untill I get opertounitie to see your Lordshipe, I tak leave and continous as becomethe me in all sincear and dutifull respects, My Lord, Your Lordships ever obdent weill wishing and reade srvnt, Alex. Gordoune.

Editor's note: 1 In the parish of Bellie, Banffshire."

  Research Notes:


Gordon Under Arms states that Alexander is a descendant of Robert Gordon of Gollachie, but does not explain the details of how. He is included here as the son of John, because he himself appears to have had a son John. It may be there are many more descendants or very few. He may even be the father of James Gordon 'in' Gollachie, who married Anne Simpson in 1720. When more information is forthcoming the picture will be clarified no doubt.


Maverston is west of Garmouth which in turn is west of Nether and Upper Dallachy. It is about 9 miles from Upper Dallachy and is situated in the parish of Urquhart.

Alexander married Elspet GORDON.1 (Elspet GORDON was born about 1655, died on 12 May 1690 and was buried in 1690 in Bellie Churchyard, Banffshire, Scotland.)

  Marriage Notes:

"129 - Alexander (Gordon). 1692, Feb. 23, with his wife Jean Gordon (nee Grant) got sasine of Upper Dallachie, Bellie; is called 'alias major' (Banffshire Sasine). Elspet Gordon, spouse to Alexander Gordon of Upper Dallachie alias Major departed May 12, 1690 (Jervise's Epitaphs, i. 13). 1724, 'Maj. Gordon of Dallachie, married to Patrick Grant of Ballindalloch's daughter, died and left two daughters; buried in the Kirk of Bellie but carried from Maverston in Urquhart, where he last dwelled in much respect of the country and admired by his neighbourhood, as well as adored.' (Mitchell MS.). Descended from Robert Gordon of Gollachie (ibid.)."

from Gordons Under Arms


From a flat slab :

Heir lyes Elspet Gordon, spous to Alexr. Gordon of Upper Dalochie, alies. Major, who departed May 12, 1690."

from Epitaphs and Inscriptions 1 2

Alexander next married Jean GRANT, daughter of Patrick GRANT 'in Whytree' and Unknown, after 12 May 1690.1 2 (Jean GRANT was born about 1677.)

  Marriage Notes:

"1724, Maj. Gordon of Dallachie, married to Patrick Grant of Ballindalloch's daughter, died and left two daughters"

"(Gordon) Alexander. 1692, Feb. 23, with his wife Jean Gordon got sasine of Upper Dallachie, Bellie"

from Gordons Under Arms


Strictly speaking, there was no Patrick Grant "of Ballindalloch" in the time frame for Jean's birth. Patrick Grant of Whytree, a son and brother of two lairds of Ballindalloch, fits the chronology, and geographically and genealogically is well-placed to be Jean's father.


1 e-books, The House of Gordon vol. 3 Gordons Under Arms by C.O.Skelton and J.M.Bulloch (1912).

2 e-books, Epitaphs and Inscriptions from Burial Grounds and Old Buildings by Andrew Jervise (1875).

3 e-books, The House of Gordon vol.1 ed. J.M.Bulloch Appendix 1 Services of Heirs.

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