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STRACHAN, John of Thornton
(About 1423-1487)
STRATON, Margaret
(About 1425-)
ARBUTHNOTT, Robert 12th of that Ilk
(About 1452-Before 1506)
(About 1460-1518)
STRACHAN, Andrew of Tibbertie
(About 1465-)
(About 1483-)
STRATHAUCHIN, William of Tibbertie, Minister of Logie Durno, Reverend Mr
(About 1509-About 1592)


Family Links


STRATHAUCHIN, William of Tibbertie, Minister of Logie Durno, Reverend Mr 2

  • Born: About 1509
  • Marriage (1): AUCHINLECK, Janet 1
  • Died: About 1592 2

   Other names for William were STRACHAN, William 2 and STRAUCHYNE, William.3

   User ID: M958.

  General Notes:

The Cheyne Family Website mentions William Strauchyne, in a record quoted from Parish and Probate Records, Aberdeen, Scotland 1518-1551

"A Gilbert Cheyne was a witness of an instrument documented in Aberdeenshire & Kincardineshire - Protocol Book of Sir John Christisone, 1518-1551, dated, 25 May 1536, which reads:

'191. Instrument narrating that Mr. John Freser personally compeared, alleging that he had warned and, so far as he could, required Gilbert Freser, his brother german, and John Grayme, son of Egidia Arbuthtnot, as procurator for his mother, for her interest, to meet at Mvtrail (Muchalls) on said date for division of the goods, personal and legal, of the late Thomas Freser of Stanevod, their father (for certain moral reasons which he states); and also he said he sustained much reproach in the consistory of Aberdeen by a process led against him by William Strauchyne, son of said Egidia, by letters compulsatory. Wherefore, asserting that he was the only executor of his late father and the executordative of all goods not in his father's testament, for his relief at the hands of those having interest, Mr. John passed to the manor place of Mvkkail and there he caused the following animals to be appraised by trustworthy persons upon oath, viz.: Patrick Toucht, Walter Banzeoucht, Thomas Graye, John Donaldson and Duncan Fola,--first, 17 ploughing oxen, price of the piece 34s; five old oxen, price of the piece 24s; six cows with six calves, price of the piece 30s; four cows, price of the piece 24s; one old cow 16s; eight calves, price of the piece 9s; three "steris" of three years, price of each 20s; three calves of two years and one "quiok," price of the piece 13s. 4d; 36 brood sheep with lambs, price of the piece 6s; ten rams, price of the piece 6s; thirty other sheep, price of the piece 5s; fourteen sheep two years old ("bidentes"), price of the piece 5s; twenty-nine "hoggis," price of the piece 40d; four "quakkis" of three years, price of the piece 18s.: And this Mr. John alleged he had done for payment of the debts in his late father's testament and for other causes to be expressed, time and place fitting; protesting that the absence of Gilbert and Egidia should not prejudice him in future. He craved instrument. Done at Mvkkell 25 May 1536. Witnesses, William Blakhall of that Ilk, Sirs James Couper and Henry Quhitwellis, chaplains, Andrew Keyth and Gilbert Cheyne. 71b.' "

Note: Egidia is a form of the female first name 'Giles' or 'Jeels'.

" 'Wilyem Blakhall of that Ilk, departit in Aberdeen the fyft day of August, 1589 yeri's'....'Willelmus Strathachin de Tippertie,' either he who had a grant of the ward of Blackhall in 1554, or his successor, heads the list of the jurors on this inquest."

from Blackhalls of That Ilk

"WILLIAM STRACHAN, min. in 1588; had a manse and glebe designated 1st Oct. 1589; died 11th Jan. 1592-3."

from Fasti Ecclesiae

"Logiedurno had a minister to itself first in 1588, when Mr. William Strathauchin served the cure for three years. Alexander Paterson, transported from Insch upon presentation by the King, served from 1592 to 1620."

from Inverurie and the Earldom of the Garioch 3

  Research Notes:


These two parishes were united in 1599.

Chapel-of-Garioch. The church of Logie Durno was dedicated to St Mary. It belonged to the Abbey of Lindores.

At Chapel-of-Garioch, where the church now stands, there was of old a Chapel of St Mary called Our Lady's Chapel of Garioch, which, in 1583, was appointed by the Commission of the province and haill parishioners to be the parish church. Near it was Our Lady's Well. A new parish church was built at the Chapel-of-Garioch. Soon after the seat of the Presbytery was removed to Chapel-of-Garioch.

Fetterneir. The church of Fetterneir was dedicated to St Ninian. At the parsonage of Fetterneir, Alexander Kininmonth, Bishop of Aberdeen, built an Episcopal mansion in 1329. It became a favourite residence of the succeeding bishops.]"

from Fasti Ecclesiae

William married Janet AUCHINLECK.1 (Janet AUCHINLECK was born about 1519.)

  Marriage Notes:

"....the immediate successor (William Blackhall 6th of that Ilk) to the laird who fell at Pinkie (William Blackhall 5th of that Ilk), appears himself to have died about the year 1554, because, on the 16th of December in that year, William Strathauchin of Tibbertie and Janet Auchinleck, his spouse, 'yair airis and assignais ane or ma(ir)' had a gift from Queen Mary of the whole lands of Blackhall and the offices and their emoluments in the interest of the family of 'umquhile William Blackhall of yat Ilk'."

from Blackhalls of That Ilk

Memorials of the Families of Strachan and Wise by Charles Rogers (1877), on page 5, gives the date as 16 December 1534, not 1554. In Appendix D, VIII, page 129, the original Latin is prefaced with the date 1554. 1 4


1 e-books, The Blackhalls of that Ilk and Barra by Alexander Morison (1905).

2 e-books, Fasti Ecclesiae Scoticanae by Hew Scott.

3 Internet Site, http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cheyne/index.htm the cheyne family website.

4 e-books, Memorials of the Scottish Families of Strachan and Wise by Charles Rogers (1877).

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