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STRACHAN, John of Thornton
(About 1423-1487)
STRATON, Margaret
(About 1425-)
ARBUTHNOTT, Robert 12th of that Ilk
(About 1452-Before 1506)
(About 1460-1518)
STRACHAN, Andrew of Tibbertie
(About 1465-)
(About 1483-)
(About 1511-)


Family Links

1. STWARTT, Janett


  • Born: About 1511 2
  • Marriage (1): STWARTT, Janett

  General Notes:

According to these two extracts from The Miscellany of the Spalding Club Thomas Strayquhen was a deacon:

"The xiiij day of September, the yeir of God 1579 yeris, Maister Johne Craig, sumtyme minister of Aberdeen, departtit, with his wyfe and barnis and haill hoissell, owit of the said burght, and left his floik onprowyditt of ane minister, to be preschour to the kingis grace, as he allegit.

On Monday, the fyft day of October, the yeir of God 1579 yeris, Gil- Menzis, sone to Thomas Menzis, was choissin prowest for that instant yeir; Robert Menzis, Alexander Ruderfurd, Gilbert Gray, Patrik Lesly, bailyies, and that be ane conway betuix the Lard of Balquhan and the said Gilbert Menzis, be gyfin of woittis of ather of thair freindis.

The names of the elderis and deaconis ellectitt and choissin be the kyrk and congregations of Aberden, and inaguraitt be Maister Dauid Cunnygame, minister and bischoip of Aberden, the xviij day of October, the yeir of God 1579 yeiris:
Elderis. Deaconis.
Robertt Menzis. Andro Scheves.
Alexander Ruderfurd. Patrik Hunter.
Maister Robert Lumisden. Thomas Duwe.
Alexander Cullen. Alexander Redoiche.
Alexander Chalmer. Thomas Gray.
Wilyem Menzis. Wilyem Loremer.
Alexander Forbes. Dauid Ferguson.
Dauid Menzis. Thomas Strayquhen.
Robertt Watson.
George Knowis.
Wilyem Menzis, younger.
Dauid Anderson.

The minister, [ ].

The reider, Walter Cullen.
The clayrk, Hew Herwe.
Gilbert Kyntor, officear. "

"The namis of the elderis and deaconis ellectit and choissin be the kyrk and congregatioune of Aberden, and inauguratt be Mr. Piter Blakburne, minister, the xvii day of October, 1591 yeir :
Elderis. Deaconis.
Alexander Ruderfurd, prouest. Thomas Forbes, yowngar.
John Collison. Alexander Anderson.
George Knowis. James Robertson.
Thomas Menzis, yowngar. Alexander Cruischank.
Wilyem Menzis, elder. Patrik Gray, yownger.
Elderis. Deaconis.
Alexander Forbes. Alexander Keymp.
Mr. Dauid Ruderfurd. George Leyng.
Alexander Hay. Thomas Strayquhen.
Dauid Menzis, yowngar. John Banerman.
Mr. Thomas Malison. Andro Dayrg.
Hendre Forbes.
Mr. Thomas Cargill.
Thomas Duwe.
Thomas Jonstou.
John Nicolson.

Bischoip Dauid Cunyngame, minister.

Maister Fitter Blakburne, minester.

Maister Robertt Howe, minister.

Walter Cullen, reder.

Hew Herwe, clayrk.

Alexander Rolland, officiar. "

from The Miscellany of the Spalding Club 2

Thomas married Janett STWARTT. (Janett STWARTT was born about 1540.)


1 e-books, OPR Index of Births and Baptisms.

2 e-books, The Miscellany of the Spalding Club.

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