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(About 1336-)
WIFE, Unknown
(About 1340-)
MAITLAND, Robert of Netherdale, then 'Dominus de Schevas'
(About 1363-1446)
WIFE, Unnamed heiress of Gight and Schivas
(About 1365-)
MAITLAND, Patrick of Netherdale, Gight and Schivas, Bailie to the Earl of Huntly, Sir
(About 1400-1467)


Family Links

1. INNES, Margaret

MAITLAND, Patrick of Netherdale, Gight and Schivas, Bailie to the Earl of Huntly, Sir 1 2

  • Born: About 1400
  • Marriage (1): INNES, Margaret 1
  • Died: by 10 June 1467 3

   Other names for Patrick were MATULANT, Patrick 1 and MORELAND, Patrick of Netherdaile, Sir.4

   User ID: J892.

  General Notes:


Precept of sasine by Alexander, Earl of Huntlie [Huntly] and Lord of Badyenach [Badenoch], directing Patrick Matelande [Maitland] of Schenes, his bailie in that part, to give sasine to James, Lord Forbes, in the lands of Tulyreoch [Tullyreoch] with Tullachwyneis [Tullochvenus] and the lands of Litill Tolmade [Tolmads], Tornavethyne [Tornaveen], Drumlausay [Drumlassie] and Barglassy in his barony of Cluny and earldom of Huntlie [Huntly], following on a charter of this date confirmed by a royal charter dated 24 February 1539-40. [RMS, 1513-1546, No 2100]."

from GD52/412

"21 Apr 1462

Procuratory by Sir Patrick Maitland of Scheves, knight, appointing George, Lord Gordon, Adam Ker of Sessfurde, or Alexander Leslie to resign into hands of the king his barony of Scheves, sheriffdom of Aberdeen, and Nathirdale and Pitnaketh, sheriffdom of Banff"

from NRAS3094/23


Bond by Janet and Elizabeth Maitland, daughters of Sir Patrick Maitland of Natirdoile [Netherdale], for resigning in favour of George, Lord Gordon, the lands belonging to their father."

from GD33/46/1

"Instrument of sasine in favour of Elizabeth Mateland as one of the heirs of Sir Patrick Mateland of Natirdule, her deceased father, of half the lands of Pettinbrunzan, sheriffdom of Banff, 10 June 1467. Witnesses: John Duff, burgess of Culane, sir Gilbert Williamson, vicar of Rothwen, John Culane, bailie of Culane, Thomas Duff, David Nicholson, Andrew Stephan and Christian, Robert and John Rede, sergeants of Culane. Notary: Robert Leis, presbyter of Aberdeen."

from NRAS1882/Bundle 1 2 3 5 6

  Research Notes:

"The estate of Schives had belonged to the old family of Maitland. Sir Patrick Maitland died, leaving two sisters, Elizabeth and Janet. The second Earl of Huntly financed them, and they resigned Schives in his favour, as will be seen by the following documents now in the charter chest of Ellon Castle (transcribed by Mr. Murray Rose) :

1467. May 25. Elizabeth and Janet Maitland, sisters, heirs of Sir Patrick Maitland of Netherdale, become bound and 'oblist till ane noble and michte lord, our deirist lord George Lord Gordon, master of Huntlie [afterwards 2nd Earl of Huntly], for his gret lordschips favour in maintenance, supply and help done till us in supplying, helping and following and recovery of our said fadyr heritage . . . and alsua for ye helping and furthering of us till oure marriages and for gret somys of gold, silvuyr and other moveabils, gudes giffine till us ... for the gret costs, expensis, travils, and labouris which the said lord has made. . . .' When they are infeft in their father's property they will make resignation thereof in the favour of Huntly. Dated at Methlick.

1467. June 12. Resignation of Janet Maitland, in pursuance of the above bond, of the lands in the hands of the king as superior. Dated at Methlick.

1467. June 12. The Royal Charter following on last, to George, Lord Gordon of Gight, Naterdale, Pettinbrinzeane and Drumnaketh. Dated at Perth.

The Balbithan MS. account of the whole affair runs :

Sir Patrick Maitland Barron of Gight and Sheeves leaving only three [only two are mentioned in the charters] Daughters, Earle George got the gift of the Ward of their marriage, and his said third son William Gordon not being willing to marry any of the three daughters, Earl George provided them of other Husbands, with whom he transacted for the Lands of Gight and Sheeves, which he gave to his son the said William.

The elder daughter Elizabeth is stated (Temple's Thanage of Fermartyn, p. 308) to have married 'Jock" Gordon of Scurdargue, but the dates seem to suggest that 'Jock's' consort was at least the aunt of Elizabeth mentioned in the charter of 1467. In the Sir Name of Baird (1870, p. 13) we are told that Huntly gave the other daughter, Janet Maitland, in marriage to her cousin-german, Thomas Baird, and with her the lands of Drumnaketh, Pettinbrinzeane and others in the Boyne, and several lands, fishings and houses about Banff, 'particularly the lodging formerly belonging to Lord Airly and now to Lord Fife '. This Maitland-Baird marriage, according to the same authority, took place in 1490, 'and is instructed by the following writs':

1505. April 11. - Discharge: Thomas Baird and Janet Maitland, his spouse, to William Gordon of Gight, upon the payment of 3,000 merks in lieu of claims.

1506. - Charter by George, Earl of Huntly, upon the lands of Drumnaketh, etc., to Thomas Baird and Janet Maitland, his spouse."

from Gight 7

Patrick married Margaret INNES, daughter of Sir Walter INNES 10th of that Ilk and Euphemia FRASER.1 (Margaret INNES was born about 1416.)

  Marriage Notes:

"11.2.Margaret m Sir Patrick Maitland of Netherdale and Gight T&C 9; Familie15"

from anesfhs.org. website

"Sir Patrick Matulant is mentioned of Netherdale, Gight, Schivas, &c., from 1446-60-67. He married Margaret, daughter of Walter Innes of that ilk, by his wife, Euphemia Fraser of Lovat ; he had issue two daughters, coheiresses to his extensive estates,

1. Janet, married to George Baird of Ordinhivas, ancestor of the Bairds of Auchmedden, Newbylh, &c., &c., she died 1539.

2. Elizabeth, married to Annand of Auchterellon. She seems to have been the elder by the following charter: - "On the 18th June, 1467, King James III. grants to George Lord Gordon the lands of Natyrdul and Gight, on the resignation of Elizabeth and Janet Maitlands, daughters and heiresses of the deceased Sir Patrick Maitland, knight."

from The Thanage of Fermartyn



Janet's husband by other accounts was Thomas, not George, Baird.


Despite the order in which they are presented here, Elizabeth, as Temple himself comments above, was the elder of the two sisters.
1 8 9


1 e-books, The Thanage of Fermartyn by William Temple (1894).

2 National Records of Scotland, https://catalogue.nrscotland.gov.uk/nrsonlinecatalogue GD52 Lord Forbes 13th Century-1926.

3 National Records of Scotland, https://catalogue.nrscotland.gov.uk/nrasregister NRAS1882 Hay-Fleming, David, Antiquary: Collections 1467-1872.

4 e-books, Ane Account of the Familie of Innes compiled by Duncan Forbes of Culloden 1698 (1864).

5 National Records of Scotland, https://catalogue.nrscotland.gov.uk/nrasregister NRAS3094 Dunbar of Westfield 1429-1896.

6 National Records of Scotland, https://catalogue.nrscotland.gov.uk/nrsonlinecatalogue GD33 Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair. 1382-1821.

7 e-books, The House of Gordon vol. 1 ed. John Malcolm Bulloch (1903) Gight.

8 e-books, Genealogical Collections concerning the Sir-Name of Baird from MS by Wm Baird of Auchmedden (1870).

9 Internet Site, https://anesfhs.org.uk/images/downloads/innes/pdfs/a_23_innes_of_innes_the_main_line.pdf Innes of Innes The Main Line.

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