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MAITLAND, William of Thirlestane
(About 1255-)
WIFE, Unknown
(About 1265-)
DE KEITH, John of Innerpeffer, Master of Marischal
(About 1298-1324)
DE SOULIS, co-heiress with brother William
(About 1298-)
MAITLAND, Robert of Lethington and Thirlestane, Sir
(About 1290-1346)
DE KEITH, Daughter
(About 1315-)
MAITLAND, William of Ormiston, bailie of Lauderdale
(About 1332-)


Family Links

1. OGSTON, Isabella

MAITLAND, William of Ormiston, bailie of Lauderdale 2

  • Born: About 1332
  • Marriage (1): OGSTON, Isabella 1 2

   User ID: J901.

  General Notes:

"William (Maitland), who along with his brother John, dominus de Thirlstane, is witness to a charter of Robert Lauder of Quarrelwood. Although the identification is not absolute, the following references seem to apply to him. In 1358 the Sheriff of Peebles reported that he had received nothing from the lands of Ormyston, which in time of peace were worth £10, or from the King's bondages of Trequayr and Inuerlethan, because they were in the hands of William Mautalent, by what title the Sheriff knew not, of which inquiry should be made and the King consulted. Soon afterwards the mystery must have been cleared up, and on the resignation of Edward Keith, William Mautalent received from King David II. a charter of 'the bondage lands of Traquair and sundry others, Innerletham, Ormhuchstane.' "

from Scots Peerage (vol 5) 2

  Research Notes:


The Thanage of Fermartyn ranks William Maitland, son of Sir Robert Maitland of Lethington and Thirlestane, as the ancestor of the Maitlands of Pitrichie.

"William, who bought the lands of Auchincreive and others from his brother, James, in 1383, and was ancestor of the Maitlands of Pitrichie, of whom afterwards1[1 Pedi. of Maitland penes late C. S. Dalrymple]."

It then moves on to 'Patrick Maitland of Pitrichie', describing him as "probably a grandson".

The Scots Peerage assigns, in volume five, that same ancestor role not to William, but to William's brother, Robert. It does not mention any son or grandson of William named Robert. Instead it gives evidence of a son, Thomas, and a grandson, William. The summarised history of the family is outlined on page 282 as far as 1409-1410:


"William Mautalent of Ormiston evidently had a son, Thomas, who, under the designation of Thomas Mautalent, dominus de Halsington et Ormiston, with consent of his son and heir William Mautalent, granted the lands of Ormiston to Robert Dikison of Hucheonfield and the heirs begotten, or to be begotten, betwixt him and his spouse Marion, the grantor's kinswoman. Sir William Fraser states that the original charter at Traquair still has attached to it a small round seal, bearing a lion rampant on a shield with a label of three points, and the legend, S. Willelmi Mautalent."


"About 1392 King Robert III. confirmed the grant which Thomas Mautalent of Halsyntone made to William Mautalent, his son and heir, and Elizabeth, daughter of William, called Watson, on their marriage, of the lands of Schelynlaw, Troucquair, and Innerlethane."


"On 20 August 1406, Robert, Duke of Albany, confirmed a charter, dated 1 October 1405, by which Thomas Mautalent de Halsynton, William, his son and heir, and Margaret, spouse of the said Thomas, sold the lands of Halsynton in comitatu Marchiae infra, vic. de Berwick, to Thomas Malville, burgess of Edinburgh."


"On 27 September 1407, Robert, Duke of Albany, confirmed a charter by which Thomas Mautalent of Halsyngton, with consent of William Mautalent, his son and heir, sold to Thomas Watson of Cranyston the lands of Trakeware and Scheringlaw, in the township of Trakware and sheriffdom of Peebles."


"And the dilapidation of this branch of the family was complete by 5 March 1409-10, when the Regent confirmed a charter by Thomas Mautalent, also with consent of William, his son and heir, to Mariota de Crag and William Watson, her son and heir, of his lands of Quhylta and Gressiston, in the sheriffdom of Peebles."

The Scots Peerage does not mention James Maitland of Netherdale, brother of John Maitland of Lethington and Thirlestane, William of Ormiston and Robert, whereas The Thanage of Fermartyn (which does not mention brother Robert) says on page 450:

"James, possessed Natyrdul (Netherdale) in 1369, and the next to be found of Natyrdul is Robert Matulant."

It then goes on to give an acount of this Robert of Netherdale, and, further on, of his son Patrick Maitland:

"He (Robert) is styled Dominus de Schevas, and, in 1417, is mentioned as a 'nobylman.' Robert Matulant of Natyrdul witnessed a charter of James Dunbar of Frendraught, afterwards fourth Earl of Moray, 1435. He married the heiress of Gight and Schivas by whom he had besides a daughter, Elizabeth, married to John Gordon of Essie or Scurdargue, a son, Patrick, by whom he was succeeded."

It should be noted that The Thanage of Fermartyn does not state that Robert Maitland of Netherdale, 'Robert Matulant of Natyrdul', was the son, or the brother, of James Maitland. There appears to be no evidence for either, and we are left to surmise what the true situation was regarding Robert's parents. 1 2

William married Isabella OGSTON, daughter of Alexander OGSTON and Unknown.1 2 (Isabella OGSTON was born about 1335.)

  Marriage Notes:

"In 1361 William Mautalent was bailie of Lauderdale under William, Earl of Douglas, who then held that lordship, and he appears as still holding that office in 1369. About that time William Maitland is found witnessing charters to the monks of Melrose by William, Earl of Douglas, Logan of Restalrig, and others. In 1362 Isabella, wife of William Mautalent, received from the Exchequer by the King's command."

from Scots Peerage (vol 5)

"William (Maitland), who bought the lands of Auchincreive and others from his brother, James, in 1383, and was ancestor of the Maitlands of Pitrichie," (page 450)

"I. William Maitland of Pitrichie. He purchased from his brother James, the first laird of Natyrdul or Netherdale, in 1383, the lands of Auchincruive, Newton, and Chapeltown. He married a daughter of Ogistoun of that ilk, and had issue. The next on record, probably a grandson, is II. Patrick Maitland of Pitrichie." (page 451)

from Thanage of Fermartyn 1 2


1 e-books, The Thanage of Fermartyn by William Temple (1894).

2 e-books, The Scots Peerage ed. Sir James Balfour Paul vol. 5 (1908).

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