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STEWART, Thomas of Auchorachan
(About 1595-)
STEWART, Thomas of Auchorachan
(About 1625-)
STEWART, John of Ballaterach, factor to the Earl of Aboyne
(About 1655-1719)


Family Links

1. Unknown

STEWART, John of Ballaterach, factor to the Earl of Aboyne 1

  • Born: About 1655
  • Marriage (1): Unknown
  • Died: 29 June 1719 2

   Other names for John were STEWART, John of Balleatrich 2 and STEWART, John of Achorachan.

   User ID: J493.

  General Notes:

"(over 1696-1697- unpaid tax was liable for a penalty) POLL MONEY.

List of the persones within the shyre of Banff deficient in payment of their pole money [....]

In Inveravin parish,

[....] Janet Grant, servant to John Stewart of Achorachan, 5 merks fie, 7s. 8d."

from Relics of the Poll Book of Banffshire

"Stewart, John, in Ballaterach, Factor to the Earl of Aboyne, and brother to William Stewart of Aucholzie."

from Jacobites of 1715

"In the Fordyce MS. (p. 21), owned by the New Spalding Club, there is under date March 11, 1701, an obligation by the Earl of Aboyne, to John Farquharson of Invercauld for 1500 merks, written by Francis Moir, notary public in Kincardine, and subscribed at Aboyne of this date before witnesses Hary Farqu'harson of Whytehouse and John Stewart, 'now of Beletrach.' "

from The Earls of Aboyne

26 / 7 / 1726
of Balleatrich, sometime factor to earl of Aboyne
Testament Dative and Inventory
Aberdeen Commissary Court

15 / 8 / 1740
of Balleatrich, sometime factor to Earl of Aboyne
Aberdeen Commissary Court

"Inventary of the Debts and Sums of money resting to the deceast John Stewart of Balleatrich the time of his decease, Who deceas'd the twenty ninth day of June In the year one Thousand seven hundreth and nineteen - Given up by John Stewart, his Son Executor dative ..."

from Wills and Testaments

from Wills and Testaments 1 2 3

John married.


1 e-books, Jacobites of 1715 and 1745 North East Scotland by Frances McDonnell (in paper Clearfield 1996).

2 National Records of Scotland, https://www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk/ Legal records - Wills and testaments.

3 e-books, Transactions of Banffshire Field Club 1903 Relics of the Poll Book of Banffshire by Dr Cramond of Cullen.

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