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BRODIE, David 13th of that Ilk
HAY, Janet
(About 1560-)
BRODIE, David 14th of that Ilk
UNKNOWN, Partner
(About 1590-)
BRODIE, John of Windyhills
(About 1610-1672)


Family Links

1. YOUNG, Elizabeth

2. DUNBAR, Margaret

BRODIE, John of Windyhills 1 2 3

  • Born: About 1610
  • Marriage (1): YOUNG, Elizabeth
  • Marriage (2): DUNBAR, Margaret on 3 November 1659 in Alves parish, Moray, Scotland 1
  • Died: 20 November 1672, Moray, Scotland 2
  • Buried: 22 November 1672, Moray, Scotland 2

   Another name for John was BRODIE, John of Lancott.4

   User ID: L413.

  General Notes:

"Windyhills, in the west end of the parish (of Alves), was long the heritage of the Dunbars. From them they were purchased by Francis Brodie (son of John, a natural son of David of Brodie), whose grandson John, who died a captain at Carthagena in 1741, having no issue, disponed his lands to Major George Brodie, son to Milntown ; by whose death, in 1748, they came to his brother Alexander Brodie of Windyhills, the fourth in descent from David Laird of Brodie, who is now Baron of Windyhills and Hemprigs."

from History of Moray 3

  Research Notes:


In pages 168 and 172 of The Diary of Alexander Brodie of Brodie the author refers to "Lancot", between November 1655 and January 1656. Whether or not these passages refer to John Brodie of lancott is unclear.


Mr. Wil. Ross took journey to St. Andrews ; and I did commit that cace to the Lord's wisdom, and desird that ani one I met with might not straiten me to him.

This day I did count with Knockoudi, and saw the strait of poor people for the new burden of excyse, and desird euer to speak or think soberli euen of common burthens. I went al night to Lancot, of purpos to communicat with him anent the estat of his soul ; and the next day the Lord gav som occasion to speak a word to him of exhortation and warning. He acquainted me with the temptations that he had been in. I desird to bear his burden."


I was al night in Lancot ; and throgh sleepines and indisposition omitted secret fellowship with God. I went into Elgin the next day, and mett anent that publick buisiness of regulating the burdens of the Shyr and Cess ; wherin I desir'd to obserue the calamities of the poor land, but ador'd Him, that we had anie opportunities of knowing and meeting with him, albeit our burthens wer as it is this day. I heard the Ministers had supplicated to be free of Cess : now I desir'd to haue my hart and understanding guided in the right construction of al thes things." 5

John married Elizabeth YOUNG. (Elizabeth YOUNG was born about 1615 and died before 3 November 1659 1.)

  Marriage Notes:

No marriage has been found for this couple.

John next married Margaret DUNBAR on 3 November 1659 in Alves parish, Moray, Scotland.1 (Margaret DUNBAR was born about 1630 and died after 1 June 1682 5.)

  Marriage Notes:

125 10 / 165

from Index of Marriages 1


1 GRO Scotland, OPR Index of Marriages.

2 e-books, Family Records of the Bruces and the Cumyns by M. E. Cumming Bruce (1870).

3 e-books, The History of the Province of Moray vol. 2 by Lachlan Shaw ed J.F.S. Gordon (1882).

4 Old Parish Registers of the Church of Scotland, Alves parish Moray Marriages.

5 e-books, The Diary of Alexander Brodie of Brodie and of his son James Brodie of Brodie (The Spalding Club 1863).

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