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DUFF, John 8th of Muldavit, 'Goodman of Craighead', Burgess of Aberdeen, Mr
(About 1539-1593)
ABERCROMBY, Elizabeth 'of Skeith'
(About 1545-)
DUFF, John 9th of Muldavit, JP for Banffshire
(About 1565-About 1627)
(About 1577-)
DUFF, John 10th of Muldavit
(About 1600-)


Family Links

1. ALLAN, Isabella

DUFF, John 10th of Muldavit 1

  • Born: About 1600
  • Marriage (1): ALLAN, Isabella 8 June 1618 (contract) 1

   User ID: K863.

John married Isabella ALLAN 8 June 1618 (contract).1 (Isabella ALLAN was born about 1604.)

  Marriage Notes:

"A copy on parchment of his (John Duff's) marriage-contract to Isabella Allan exists among the Drummuir papers, dated June 8, 1618, in which John Duff, his father, makes over to him the lands of Muldavit. The text of the charter, in translation, is here given :

To all who will see or hear this charter, John Duff, of Maldavit, eternal greeting in the Lord. Know that I, for the fulfilment of a charter on my part for a certain contract entered into and made between me, John Duff, for myself and undertaking the charge for John Duff the younger, my lawful first-born son, and for Agnes Gordon my wife, and John Duff the younger for himself, with the express consent and assent of his said father and mother, of one part, and Katharine Thorn ton, relict of the late William Allan, burgess of Aberdeen, and Andrew Kelly, burgess of the said city of Aberdeen, for themselves and undertaking the charge for Isabella Allan, lawful daughter born of the said late William Allan and the said Katharine Thornton, and the said Isabella Allan for herself, with the consent of her said mother, of the other part, the present date at Aberdeen and Craigheid, 23rd May and 8th June 1618. Also for the love and filial affection whieh I bear and have towards my beloved son, the aforesaid John Duff, and his future wife Isabella Allan, I have given, granted, alienated, sold ... by title of pure sale, and have confirmed by this my present charter, to the aforesaid John Duff and Isabella Allan, his future wife, and the survivor, in joint enfeoffment in tail male, in default of which to the heir and assigns of the said John Duff, the whole and entire my lands of Maldavat, with manors, houses, buildings, dovecote, mill, mill-lands of the same, woods, parks, tofts, crofts . , . parts and appurtenances, lying within the parish of Rathven and the county of Banff ; reserving only the free tenement or liferent of all and singular the aforesaid lands with . . . appurtenances to me, John Duff, senior, of Maldavat, and Agnes Gordon, my wife, for all the days of our lives." (pages 22 and 23)

"John Duff and Isabel Allan had a son Andrew, who married Grisel Bell 1647, and a son James, baptised in Cullen April 3, 1629, as well as the daughter Janet, but none of these left descendants - Janet's son dying without issue." (page 25)

from Book of the Duffs 1


1 e-books, The Book of the Duffs vol. 1 compiled by A and H Tayler (1914).

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