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FORBES, John 6th Lord Forbes
(About 1471-1547)
LUNDIE, Christian
(About 1482-)
KEITH, William younger, of Inverugie, Sir
(About 1479-1521)
GRAY, Janet
(About 1485-1539)
FORBES, William 7th Lord Forbes
(About 1513-1593)
KEITH, Elizabeth co-heiress of Inverugie
(About 1519-)
FORBES, Abraham of Blackton


Family Links

1. DUNCAN, Janet

FORBES, Abraham of Blackton 1 2 3

  • Born: 2 March 1558(1559) 3
  • Marriage (1): DUNCAN, Janet 1

   User ID: E594.

  General Notes:

'Testament dative and inventar of the goods of Robert Allardes, apparent of that ilk, at the time of his death in Edinburgh, 26 December 1587, given up by Captain Andrew Stewart, as tutor dative to Elizabeth Allardes, only lawful daughter of the deceased.

A contract dated 22 July, 1592, between John Allardes of that ilk and his tenants, Thomas Strathauchin in Leyis and Robert Falconer in Classindrum, on the one part, and Barbara Forbes, Lady Petcarrie on the other. The said lady is God-willing to come and meitt at ane speciall weik- day at the kirk of Arbuthnot, betwixt nine and twelf horis afoir none, betwixt the date of thir presentis and the twantie fvrst dav of August nixtocum, and thair sall acknawledge and confess the wrange done unto the laird of Allardes in this last fact committit at the Moss of Monymont, and sall promas in all tymes cuminge interteinament of guid freyndschip and concord without braik of hir pert, craving the lyik concord and freyndschip to be extendit to hir on his part in all tymes cumminge, with promeis also that scho sall caus her twa brethir Robert Forbes, prior of Monymusk, and Abraham Forbes in Blaktoun, accumpanie hir to the said kirk and acknawledge the sameyn giff scho mav obteine thame thairto, quhais compeirance to the said kirk salbe signefeit be the said Barbara to the said John Allardes sex dayes off befoir the said day."'

from allardice.org website

Abraham married Janet DUNCAN, daughter of James DUNCAN of Meldrum and Janet LUMSDEN.1 (Janet DUNCAN was born about 1573.)

  Marriage Notes:

"Abraham (Forbes) of Blackton, born March 2nd, 1558-59, married Janet Duncan of Merdrum and had issue."

from House of Forbes 1


1 e-books, House of Forbes by Alistair and Henrietta Tayler (1937 and 1987) found at https://www.clan-forbes.org/house-of-forbes Chapter VII.

2 e-books, Inverurie and the Earldom of the Garioch by John Davidson (1878).

3 e-books, The Scots Peerage ed. Sir James Balfour Paul vol. 4 (1907).

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