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DUFF, John 3rd of Muldavit, Burgess of Cullen
DUFF, John 4th of Muldavit, Burgess of Cullen
(About 1460-)
DUFF, Andrew 5th of Muldavit
(About 1479-1515)


Family Links

1. HAY, Helen

DUFF, Andrew 5th of Muldavit 1

  • Born: About 1479
  • Marriage (1): HAY, Helen 1
  • Died: by 21 July 1515 1

   User ID: A261.

  General Notes:

"John was succeeded in 1500 by Andrew Duff, said by Baird to be his son, but the Registrum Magni Sigilli, 1504, says nephew nepos Johannis), though the word may mean, as it often does, grandson, and refer to John, third of Muldavit, brother of Thomas, leaving out Andrew's immediate predecessor. In any case, he redeemed the wadset upon Muldavit granted by his grandfather, John Duff:

'Apud Linlithgow, I6 June 1504. Rex confirmavit [etc....]' "

Andrew married Helen HAY, daughter of Grandson of David HAY and Unknown.1 (Helen HAY was born about 1485.)

  Marriage Notes:

"John was succeeded in 1500 by Andrew Duff, said by Baird to be his son, but the Rcgistrum Magni Sigilli, 1504, says nephew (nepos Johannis), though the word may mean, as it often docs, grandson, and refer to John, third of Muldavit, brother of Thomas, leaving out Andrew's immediate predecessor. In any case, he redeemed tlie wadset upon Muldavit granted i)y his grandfather, John Duff [ .... ]

"Andrew married Helen Hay, grandchild of John Hay, Lord of the Forest of Boyne, Enzie and Tillibady. After his death, Helen built the Duff aisle in the church of Cullen, and left some land for its upkeep, and placed the following inscription in the church :

'John Hay, Lord of the Forest Bon, Aze, Tolbovil, gudsir to Elen Hay yt bigit yis He left a chaplari heir to sing personali of his ladis of Ordihuf',

with the craftsman's Z mark.

Round the window is also :

'Sant anis chaplan heir dotat yt acre gud croft land in cula & tenementis sal be a gud singar of hali lif but odir service & daeli resident to praie for Elen Hay and hir barnis his fyiv dors at gift of Jon Duf and his aris of Madavit and faling yarof at gift of ye balzeis and comunite of Cola per Elena Hay.'

On the west side :

'Elenge Hay Jon Duffis modr of Maldavit yat maid yis ile ye chaplanrie,'

and on two corner stones :

'per Elena Hay, soli Deo honor et Gloria'." (pages 15 and 16)

from Book of the Duffs 1


1 e-books, The Book of the Duffs vol. 1 compiled by A and H Tayler (1914).

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