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CALDER, Andrew 4th Thane of Cawdor, Sheriff of Nairn
(About 1345-1405)
CALDER, Donal 5th Thane of Cawdor, Sheriff and Constable of Nairn
(About 1378-1442)
CALDER, Daughter of Cawdor
(About 1405-)


Family Links

1. HAY, John of Lochloy

CALDER, Daughter of Cawdor 1 2

  • Born: About 1405
  • Marriage (1): HAY, John of Lochloy about 15 February 1422 1 2

   User ID: C938.

Daughter married John HAY of Lochloy, son of William HAY of Lochloy and Janet MACINTOSH, about 15 February 1422.1 2 (John HAY of Lochloy was born about 1402 and died after 2 February 1431 1 2.)

  Marriage Notes:

" 'He (John Hay) espouses a daughter of his beloved cousin, Donald, Thane of Cawdor, at Elgin, the xvth daie of Fev. 1422.' (Mr. Bain and Mrs. Cumming-Bruce).

It had been arranged at Rosemarkie between William de la Hay and the Earl of Moray that the son of the former was to marry the daughter of the latter, but John losing his heart to a daughter of Donald, Thane of Cawdor, the latter requested the Earl of Moray to release John de la Hay from this engagement. The following will show how generously this request was granted in a letter which bears the legend 'Thomas Dunbar, Comitis Morauie': ('The Kilravock Family' and 'The His. Nairn').

"Thomas Erle of Murreff til our richt well belovit Jone the Haye, Lord of Lochloy, greeting:

'It is in fresh memorie with you, as we understand, that throu certain tailye made betwix us and your fadir, ye are oblisit to spouse a douchter of ours, for the quhilk thing to be done, we confermit to your fadir a tailye betwix him and the lord of Dolas apon the lordship of Dolas, and forgiff till him fourtez poundez, the quhilk suld haf bene paiit tilus for the relife of that land; and awls for that ilke marriage, we confermit til your fadir a tailye betwix him and your brither Wilyame the Grahame, apon the landez of half the barony of Kerdale, and resavit you to the like landez upon the saide tailye; and now of new, we haf herdbe certain relacion of our luffit cusine, Donaldo, thayne of Caldor, that you wald be releschit from your oblising til us of the saide mariage, and haf our licence, freedome, and gude will, to spouse a douchter of the saide Donaldo, thayne of Caldor, with sic commands, freedomes, and rewards as are forspokyn, and as we grantit unto you of beforetyme. 'Quharfore, be the tenor of thir our letteris, of your oblising made to us of beforetyme, baith be your fadir and be yourselff, for the mariage of our douchter, we relesche you, dischargis you, and quitclemis you for ever, gifing and granting to you our council, our licence, and gude will to spouse and til haf to your wif, the douchter of the said Donaldo, thayne of Caldor, with sic freedoms, profitis, and rewardis, as war forspokyn in our first commands, togidder wid our help, suppout, and maintenance, in al your lachful and liveful errandis in al tyme to cum; thereatour we haf grantit and giffin, and be thir our letteris grantis and gifis to the said Donaldo, thayne of Caldor, fourte markez of the relese of your landez of the half of the barony of Kerdale, the quhilk Wilyame the Haye, your fadir, was oblisit to pay til us, of the quhilk we quitcleme you for ever be the teneur of thir lettre, to the quhilk our sele we haf girt beput, at Elgin, the xv dai of the moneth of Feueryere, the yere of our Lord a thousand four hunder twenti and twa yere.' " (pages 58 and 59)

"John de la Hay died A.D. 1431, and, by his wife, a daughter of Donald, 5th Thane of Cawdor, left a son : i. William de la Hay" (page 61)

from Family of Hay 1


1 e-books, The Family of Hay by Charles J. Colcock (1908).

2 Internet Site, http://redbookofscotland.co.uk/test Hay of Lochloy and Park.

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