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CHEYNE, Elizabeth
(About 1525-After 1574)


Family Links

1. AUCHINLECK, William of Schethum

CHEYNE, Elizabeth 1

  • Born: About 1525
  • Marriage (1): AUCHINLECK, William of Schethum 1 2
  • Died: After 2 August 1574 1

   Another name for Elizabeth was CHEYNE, Isobel.2

   User ID: M950.

Elizabeth married William AUCHINLECK of Schethum, son of James AUCHINLECK of Kempnay and Janet HEPBURN.1 2 (William AUCHINLECK of Schethum was born about 1523 and died after 2 August 1574 1.)

  Marriage Notes:

"William Auchinleck of Schethum, was served heir to his mother, Janet Hepburn, Lady of Schethum, in the third-part of the barony of Polgavy, and the third-part of those of Schethum and Little Meldrum on 3 March 1549,6[6 C22/1/3] for which he had Sasine on 12 March 1550.7[7 Ex. Rolls. Vol. XVIII. P. 490]. On 20 April 1550, he resigned his lands of Fingask and part of Pittendreich, into the King's hands for a new grant to himself and Isobelle Cheyne, his wife,8[8 RMS 1546-1580. No. 43] and disponed the barony of Polgoveny, Schethin, Little Meldrum, Fingask and others, to his kinsman, George Auchinleck of Balmanno, who had confirmations for them under the Great Seal on 2 August and 22 October 1574, and in which it is stated that they had previously belonged to John Hepburn of Craigis and his predecessors and had been divided between his heirs female.1[1 RMS 1546-1580. No. 2309]. He also disponed his lands of Mureton, in the barony of Craigis, to that George which was confirmed under the Great Seal on 2 January 1575. He was father of:

Robert Auchinleck, who was a natural son and in whose favour a precept of legitimation passed the quarter seal on 21 September 1574.2[2 RPS VI. No. 2688]. "

from The Red Book of Scotland


2288. Apud Abirdene, 2 Aug. REX &c., concessit GEORGIO AUCHINLEK de Balmanno - tertiam partem terrarum et baronie de Polgony, cum tenentibus &c., molendinis et multuris earundem, et tertiam partem terrarum de Schethin, Littill Meldrum, Fingask, tertiam partem piscationis unius cimbe(et) lie fische-bait in portu maris de Pettindrum, incorporatas insimul, necnon aliam tertiam partem dict, terrarum et baronie, viz. Polgony, Murcoure, West-feild, cum advocatione capellanie ad altare S. Dominici fundate infra ecclesiam cathedralem de Abirdene alternatis vicibus, tertiam partem de Schethin &c. (ut supra), vic. Abirdene ; tertiam partem bine partis terrarum et baronie de Dunloppie, cum earum molendinis, multuris, tenentibus &c., advocatione ecclesie de D., vic. Forfar ; - quas Wil. Auchinlek de Schethin personaliter resignavit : - Tenend, dicto Geo. et heredibus masc. ejus de corpore legit, procreatis, quibus deficientibus, Archibaldo A. ejus fratri et heredibus &c. (ut supra), quibus def., Joanni A. ejus fratri et heredibus &c. (ut supra), quibus def., Adamo A. ejusdem fratri et heredibus &c. (ut supra), quibus def., Jacobo A. ejus fratri et heredibus &c (ut supra), quibus def., propinquioribus et legitimis heredibus masculis dicti Geo. quibuscunque, arma et cognomen de Auchinlek gerentibus, quibus def., propinquioribus et legitimis heredibus sive assignatis dicti Geo. quibuscunque : - Reddend. jura et servitia debit, et consuet. - Reservatis dicto Wil libero tenemento, et Eliz. Cheyne ejus sponse vitali redditu villarum et terrarum de Polgowny, Murcowr, West-feild, molendinorum granorum et fullonum et lie Ailhous-croft earundem, Fingask, Chapelhill et molendini earundem, cum rationabili tertia reliquarum cum contingeret: - Test. 12. 3. 17. 14. 10. 6. 5. 15. xxxiv. 124.

from The Great Seal of Scootland (vol 4)

"William Auchinleck of Schethin. Regarding him we find the following, 'William Auchinleck of Schethin and Isobel Cheyne his wife, had a charter confirmed by Queen Mary to them and their heirs, 1550, in conjunct fee of the lands of Fingassie, with the half of the boat in the port of Pittendrum, in the barony of Polgony and sheriffdom of Aberdeen.' "

from Thanage of Fermartyn 1 2 3


1 e-books, The Register of the Great Seal of Scotland, A.D. 1306-1668 (1888).

2 e-books, The Thanage of Fermartyn by William Temple (1894).

3 e-books, The Red Book of Scotland vol 1 by Gordon McGregor (2022) Auchinleck of that Ilk.

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