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(About 1145-)
BISSET, John of Lovat
(About 1190-)
BISSET, Elizabeth 'Ladie Kilravok', co-heiress of Lovat
(About 1241-)


Family Links

1. DE BOSCO, Andrew, Sir

BISSET, Elizabeth 'Ladie Kilravok', co-heiress of Lovat 1 2

  • Born: About 1241
  • Marriage (1): DE BOSCO, Andrew, Sir 1 2

   User ID: V417.

  Research Notes:


Elizabeth Bisset, "designed Ladie Kilravock", was not called such because she was married to a Rose of Kilravok. She was married to Andrew de Bosco. It was her daughter Marie's husband, Hugh Rose, who was the first Rose of Kilravock:

"By these I find that the first of the familie in Kilravock, was named Hugo de Rose, married to Marie de Bosco, daughter to Sir Andrew de Bosco, knight. This Hugh married his said wife before he got the baronie of Kilravock, and lived in the days of Alexander 3d and John Balzioll. This Sir Andrew de Bosco is reported to have had his estate in Ross, and partlie Redcastle. He had a son named Sir John de Bosco, who dyed without heirs-male, leaving three daughters, two wherof, with consent of their husbands, and the third in her widowhood, renounce all title and clame to the barronie of Kilravock ; and their renunciations are yet extant." (Familie of Rose) 1

Elizabeth married Sir Andrew DE BOSCO.1 2 (Sir Andrew DE BOSCO was born about 1235 and died before 1291 3.)

  Marriage Notes:

"I find that the first of the familie in Kilravock, was named Hugo de Rose, married to Marie de Bosco, daughter to Sir Andrew de Bosco, knight

This surname de Bosco is certainly forraign, and I conceave no English surname to correspond to it, except Wood. Ther was one Wilhelmus a Bosco, chancellor in the reigns of King William and Alexander 2d. The forenamed Sir Andrw de Bosco was married to Elizabeth Bisset, designed Ladie Kilravock, and daughter to a noble person. Sir John de Bisset, knight, which Elizabeth in her widowhood dispones the lands of Kilravock to her son in law Hugh Rose, and her daughter Marie his spouse, and their heirs.
This Elizabeth Bisset was one of the heirs portioners of Lovet.....

A third daughter of the Bisset, was this Elizabeth Bisset, designed Ladie Kilravock. This Elizabeth was married, as we have alreadie declared, to Sir Andrew de Bosco, to whom (besids the sone we spake of before,) she had a daughter, married to Hugh Rose, as formerly sett down. Elizabeth Bisset dispons to the said Hugh Rose her son in law, and Marie his spouse and her daughter, and their heirs, the lands of Kilravock, to be holden of herself. The charter has no date, tho I suspect it hath been in the latter part of the reign of Alexander 3d. But aftenvards she resigns these lands in the hands of John King of Scots, for getting them
confirmed by him to her son in law, his spouse, and their heirs."

from Family of Rose

"Elizabeth Bisset, lady of Kilravock, daughter of Sir John Bisset, and wife of Sir Andrew del Bois; daughter was Mary/Mariota, wife of Hugh de Rose"

from poms website 1 2


1 e-books, A Genealogical Deduction of the Family of Rose of Kilravock by Hew Rose and Lachlan Shaw (1848).

2 Internet Site, https://www.poms.ac.uk/record/person/10677/ Elizabeth Bisset, wife of Andrew del Bois.

3 e-books, History of the Chisholms by Alexander MacKenzie (1891).

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