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BETON (BETHUNE), John 2nd of Creich, Sir
(About 1495-)
HAY, Janet
(About 1495-)
BETON (BETHUNE), Robert 4th of Creich
(About 1518-)
(About 1527-)
BETON (BETHUNE), James Minister of Roxburgh parish, then 6th of Creich, Reverend Mr
(About 1545-About 1618)


Family Links

1. LESLIE, Helen heiress of Kinnaird
2. WEMYSS, Margaret

BETON (BETHUNE), James Minister of Roxburgh parish, then 6th of Creich, Reverend Mr 1 2

  • Born: About 1545
  • Marriage (1): LESLIE, Helen heiress of Kinnaird in 1573 1
  • Marriage (2): WEMYSS, Margaret 5 April 1578(contract) 1
  • Died: About 1618 1

   User ID: E145.

James married Helen LESLIE heiress of Kinnaird in 1573.1 (Helen LESLIE heiress of Kinnaird was born about 1547 and died in June 1577 1.)

  Marriage Notes:

(at Roxburgh parish in 1569)

"James Beaton [Betoun, Bethune] (primus), of Creich and Nether Rires, Fife, second son of Robert B. of Creich, Master of the Household to Mary, Queen of Scots, and Joanna Ivenwall or Gryssoner, maid of honour to the Queen Dowager, Mary of Lorraine [his sister, Mary Beaton, was one of the 'four Marys';] ; became min. of this parish about 1569, on the deprivation of Sir John Ker (last of the Roman incumbents), who did not conform. In 1579 he succeeded his brother David in the family estates, dem., and retired to Creich. He died about 1618. He marr. (1) 1573, Helen Leslie (died June 1577), heiress of Kinnaird, widow of James Barroun, merchant, Edinburgh, by whom he had two daughs., who died unmarr."

from Fasti Ecclesiae

"James Beton of Creich and Nether Rires, brother of the last, married, first, Helen Leslie, heiress of Kinnaird (by whom he had two daughters, both died unmarried)"

from East Neuk of Fife 1 2

James next married Margaret WEMYSS, daughter of Sir David WEMYSS of that Ilk 'David with the Birken Flower' and Cecilia RUTHVEN, 5 April 1578(contract).1 (Margaret WEMYSS was born about 1560 and died in September 1636 1 2.)

  Marriage Notes:

"He (James Beton) marr.... (2) cont. 5th April 1578, Mar garet (died Sept. 1636), daugh. of David Wemyss of Wemyss, and had issue David, seventh Laird of Creich ; John ; Robert ; Archibald; Margaret (marr., cont. 22nd April 1598, William Fernie, younger, of Wester Fernie); Elizabeth (marr., cont. 4th, 6th, and 10th Feb. 1604, David, Viscount Stormont), died 21st Jan. 1658 : Catherine (marr. James Forbes, portioner of Kilmany) ; Helen."

from Fasti Ecclesiae

"James Beton .... married .... second, Margaret, daughter of Sir David Wemyss de eodem (called 'Davie wi' the birken flower'), who survived him and died in 1636"

from East Neuk of Fife 1 2


1 e-books, Fasti Ecclesiae Scoticanae vol. 2 Dumfries and Galloway by Hew Scott.

2 e-books, The East Neuk of Fife by Walter Wood (1887).

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