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WEMYSS, Patrick 'of Craighall family'
(About 1725-)


Family Links

1. GORDON, Mary

WEMYSS, Patrick 'of Craighall family' 2 3

  • Born: About 1725
  • Marriage (1): GORDON, Mary on 6 December 1761 in Gartly parish, Aberdeenshire, Scotland 1

   Another name for Patrick was WEMYESS, Patrick.1

   User ID: J267.

Patrick married Mary GORDON, daughter of Charles GORDON 6th of Terpersie, Jacobite 1745 and Margaret GORDON, on 6 December 1761 in Gartly parish, Aberdeenshire, Scotland.1 (Mary GORDON was born about 1728.)

  Marriage Notes:

198 10 / 498

from Index of Marriages

"Mary (Gordon): married Patrick Wemyss of the Craighall family. Her marriage contract (recorded in a boyish ill-spelt hand at Elgin, November 8, 1786) was signed at Collithie, December 1, 1761, before these witnesses Thomas Hutcheon, weaver in Collithie, Alex. Ingram, wheelwright there, 'and the said George Cattanach'. 'It is . . . matrimonially agreed betwixt Patrick Weyms in Kirkney, third lawful son of the deceast William Weyms of Craighall on the one part, and Mrs. Mary Gordon, eldest lawful daughter of the deceast Charles Gordon of Torpery, with the special concurrence, advice, assent and consent of Mrs. Margaret Gordon o( Torpery, her mother, and they both with uniform assent and consent of each other on the other part in manner following' : - [Patrick and Mary to marry with all speed convenient] 'in contemplation of which marriage the said Mrs. Margaret Gordon of Torpery binds and obliges her ... to . . . deliver . . . the following sums of money, and that at the solemnization of the said marriage, viz., the sum of 1000 merks . . . contained in a bond granted by the deceast Hary Lumsden of Cushney to her, the said Mrs. Margaret Gordon of Terpery in liferent, and to Mary and Ann Gordons, her daughters, in fee, and now assigned by the said Mrs. Margaret Gordon of Terpersie, and her daughter Ann Gordon ... in favours of the said Mary Gordon ... as also sundry other sums that pertained to the said Mrs. Margaret Gordon of Torpery upon the estate of Terpery amounting to £851 . . . and finally it is agreed that all execution necessary upon this present contract shall pass at the instance of William Wemyss of Craighall, brother german of the said Patrick Wemyss, and James Gordon, eldest brother german of the said Mary Gordon, and George Cattanach in Drumnahive, brother-in-law to the said Mary Gordon, as friends for the children to be procreate.' "

from Terpersie

"Alexander Wemyss, to whom the estate of Edintore was conveyed during his minority by his grandmother, Mrs. Garioch (under an action of adjudication, raised by his father William, and settled on February 21, 1765), did not take sasine till after her death; and he assumed the name of Gordon, being one of the first people to adopt the surname. He was the second son of William Wemyss of Craighall by his wife, Jane Garioch. His uncle, Patrick Wemyss, married Mary Gordon, daughter of Charles Gordon of Terpersie [see ante, p. (348)]. At a meeting of heritors of Keith on February 12, 1766, there were read letters from Mrs. Garioch, liferentrix on Edintore, and from William Wemyss of Craighall as administrator for his son, a minor and heir of fee of Edintore."

from Edintore 2 3 4


1 GRO Scotland, OPR Index of Marriages.

2 e-books, The House of Gordon vol.2: Cadets of Lesmoir Leichestoun (Edintore) by J.M.Bulloch and D. Wimberley (1907).

3 e-books, The House of Gordon vol. 2 ed. John Malcolm Bulloch (1907) Cadets of Lesmoir: Terpersie by D. Wimberley assisted by J.M. Bulloch.

4 GRO Scotland, Index of Marriages.

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