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STEWART, John 3rd of Kilnmaichlie
(About 1555-)
STEWART, Arthur elder, in Kilnmaichlie, then in Over Downan and Auchbreck
(About 1600-)
LESLEY, Margaret
(About 1605-)
STEWART, Arthur younger
(About 1626-)


Family Links


2. FORBES, Margaret

STEWART, Arthur younger 1 2

  • Born: About 1626
  • Partnership (1): NICROBIVOAR, Muriel
  • Marriage (2): FORBES, Margaret before 16 April 1648 1

   Another name for Arthur was STEUART, Arthur younger.1

   User ID: K904.

  Research Notes:


Arthure Stewart's mother may have been Margaret Lesley, or may not have been. The likelihood is that she was.

The Inveravon parish registers begin in 1630, and the younger Arthur fathered a child in 1640, so his mother could have been Margaret if she and his father were married earlier than 1630, and if the younger Arthur fathered Duncan in his early teens. However, noo baptism record is available for Arthur. For the same reason, Arthur and Margaret may have had other children born before 1630 that are unknown to us.

In the baptism record of Helen, the daughter born to Arthur Stewart, elder, and Margaret Lesley in April 1639, Helen's father, Arthur Stewart, is described as being in Over Downan. The same designation about the father of Duncan is found in Duncan's baptism record of September 1640. So it is probable that the younger Arthur was the son of these parents too, but that his baptism was not registered in Inveravon. 1

Arthur had a relationship with Muriel NICROBIVOAR. (Muriel NICROBIVOAR was born about 1626.)

  Marriage Notes:

There is no evidence that this couple married each other. They were not married when their son Duncan was baptised:

"13 Septemb. 1640
Arthure Stewart sonne to Arthur Stewar(end of line) in Ouerdownan his natural sonne gotten in fornicatione with Muriel Nicrobivoar baptised Duncan. Johne Grant in Blai(end of line)findie (then word heavily scored out) Finla McWmbuy Witness."


The man named as second witness, Finla McWiliambuy, has further down the parish register page a notice of marriage to Elspet Mciockie, under the same date as this baptism. Craigellachie, the Grant newsletter, comments on this surname in their summer 2014 issue:

"Bowie, Buy, Buie - Bowie is another descriptive name meaning 'yellow or fair-haired.' Bowie (Buy, Buye) was a common name in Invera'on in the 17th and 18th centuries. The name was used extensively in the 18th century in Glenlivet as a by-name in the form Bowie alias Grant. Sueton Grant or Buy was christened in Cromdale parish in 1704. Peter Grant or Buie was in Cromdale in the same year. James Bowie in Souie was a Jacobite from Glenlivet in 1745. Angus Buy in Craskie, Glenmoriston, was a 'reluctant Jacobite' in 1746. John Buoy alias Grant was a subtenant in Clash and Belnochin, Glenlivet in 1761. John Bowie lived in Aberlour in 1783. Bowies still live in Craigellachie today." 1 3

Arthur next married Margaret FORBES before 16 April 1648.1 (Margaret FORBES was born about 1630.)

  Marriage Notes:

No marriage record has been found for this couple. However, the baptism record for their daughter, Margaret, gives evidence that they were indeed married:

Old Parish Registers
Inveravon parish Banffshire

"16 April 1648
Arthur Steuart younger his lawll daughter with Margarit Forbes his spous bap. Margarit Patrick Grant Arthr Steuart elder Witness" 1


1 Old Parish Registers of the Church of Scotland, Inveravon parish Banffshire Baptisms.

2 GRO Scotland, OPR Index of Births and Baptisms.

3 Internet Site, https://www.clangrant-us.org/sites/default/files/clangrant_files/craig_docs/2014%20Craigellachie/2014-02%20Craigellachie%20Summer.pdf Craigellachie Summer 2014 page 11.

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