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GORDON, William of Bogfoutain, at Auchorachan, Jacobite 1745
(About 1719-1790)
STEWART, Margaret
(1717-Before 1775)
GORDON, Robert tacksman of Castletown of Blairfindy
WIFE, Unknown
(About 1750-)
(About 1775-)


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GORDON, John 1

  • Born: About 1775

   User ID: J529.

  General Notes:

"John Gordon. He appears in a deed, written by John Marshall, advocate in Aberdeen, and subscribed at Aberdeen, October 26, 1791, and recorded at Elgin, December 21, 1791: -

'Know all men by these presents me William Gordon, fourth lawful son to the deceast William Gordon of Bogfouton, heritable proprietor of the subject after disponed, for the favour and affection I bear to John Gordon, only lawful son to Robert Gordon in Castletown, and in consideration of the confidence I repose in the Rev. Mr George Gordon, minister of the gospel at Mortlach, and Robert Mitchell at Parkmore to have disponed . . . . to and in favour of the said Mr George Gordon and Robert Mitchell, or either of them ... all and whole the town and lands of Bogfouton lying in the county of Aberdeen as described in the writs and title deeds thereof. . . for the use and behoof of the said John Gordon, his heirs and assignees, and for other piurposes mentioned, but providing that the said John Gordon himself shall not be entitled to enter to possession or management of the same until he arrive at the age of 21 years complete, at which time my said trustees are to denude themselves of this trust . . and the said subject I hereby burden with the payment of the sum of £2 stg. yearly to Helen Ord, my stepmother, in terms of her contract of marriage, and £1 sterling yearly to Elspet Gordon, my sister, conform to my father's settlement, ordaining my said trustees . . to bestow the whole yearly rents of the premises towards the maintenance and education of the said John Gordon after payment of the above sums . . . excepting the sum of £14 sterling annually, which sum . . they are to accumulate until the majority of the said John Gordon, when it is to be paid to him.' "

from Gordons of Minmore 1


1 e-books, The Gordons and Smiths at Minmore, Auchorachan, and Upper Drumin in Glenlivet by J. M. Bulloch (1910).

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