FORBES, Nelly 1
- Born: About 1728
- Marriage (1): LUMSDEN, Matthew on 12 September 1754 in Auchindoir and Kearn parish, Aberdeenshire, Scotland 1
Another name for Nelly was FORBES, Helen.2
User ID: V241.
Nelly married Matthew LUMSDEN, son of Harry LUMSDEN of Auchindoir, then 10th of Cushnie, Jacobite 1715 and Katherine GORDON, on 12 September 1754 in Auchindoir and Kearn parish, Aberdeenshire, Scotland.1 (Matthew LUMSDEN was born about 1728.)
Marriage Notes:
"FORBES NELLY MATTHEW LUMSDEN/ 12/09/1754 172/ 10 256 Auchindoir and Kearn"
from Index of Marriages
Old Parish Registers Auchindoir and Kearn parish Aberdeenshire Marriages
"Lumsden & Forbes
"September 1st Mr Matthew Lumsden and Miss Nelly Forbes both in this parish were contracted signing Pledges for Performance and abstinence their Design of Marriage having been thrice (unclear, ink faded) in public and no objection found were married Septr 12th"
"The will of William Forbes merchant of [Jamaica but now in] London [made 10/12/1762] proved 26/06/1773 might be either or neither of these men. In his will Forbes left £500 to his reputed 'mulatto' son Harry, then at Dent in Yorkshire, and appointed Samuel Kilmer of Lancaster and John Sill of Kingston as the boy's guardians. He left his property to be sold to support annuities and legacies to his wife Jannet (of £100 p.a. over and above her entitlement under their marriage settlement) and to family members and other individuals in and around Aberdeen. All his Jamaican executors were merchants in Kingston. His residuary legatees where his brother Harry Forbes of Aberdeen and his sister Helen, wife of Mathew Lumsden of Cushney [sic]. In a codicil of 17/12/1762 he provided that his brother and sister should pay to their mother interest at 5% p.a. on his legacies to them of £200 each, and he manumitted a 'negroe boy' named Tom then with him in England."
from Legacies of British Slavery website 1 2 3