HAY, Thomas of Hoprew, Master of Yester, Sir 1 2
User ID: M623. Thomas married Margaret BORTHWICK, daughter of Sir William BORTHWICK 3rd Lord Borthwick and Mariota DE HOPPRINGILL, about 1489.1 (Margaret BORTHWICK was born about 1472.) Marriage Notes: "He (Thomas Hay) is said to have married Elizabeth, daughter of Alexander (Home), second Lord Home, but if so, this marriage must have taken place before April 1490, when she must have been very young, as her parents were not married till after 30 May 1476, and it was probably only a child marriage on her part. On 28 April 1490 she appears as the wife of Lord Hamilton, afterwards first Earl of Arran, with whom she lived till November 1504, when he obtained a divorce from her on the ground that she had been previously married to the above-named Thomas Hay, and that he was still alive at the time of her second marriage. It is said that Thomas Hay had gone abroad and was supposed to be dead, but had reappeared and asserted before a notary that Elizabeth Home was his lawful wife and could not therefore be rightly joined in marriage with Arran. In January 1526-27 Matthew, Earl of Lennox, disputed the legitimacy of the second Earl of Arran (a son of the first Earl by his second wife), alleging that the divorce of 1504 was not valid inasmuch as Elizabeth Home had never been the wife of Sir Thomas Hay. According to Lennox's version. Sir Thomas 'married Dame Kateryn Burtyke [Borthwick], sister to William, Lord Burtyke, about 1489, and the same Sir Thomas was slayne by the theves of Asedale 1491, and left a sun behynd him of a yere old, and that the wyffe of Sir Thomas Hayes after his slaughter maryed Sir Oliver Sinclar, Lord of Roslinge, and her sune by the sayd Sir Thomas lyved tyll he was eighteen years of age.' This son, (1) , Master of Yester, must have been born in or about 1490, and died, unmarried, 1508." (page 431) Thomas next married. |
1 e-books, The Scots Peerage ed. Sir James Balfour Paul vol. 8 (1911).
2 e-books.
3 e-books, The Scots Peerage ed. Sir James Balfour Paul vol. 9 (1914).
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