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STRACHAN, Alexander younger, of Thornton
(About 1395-)
ROSE, Margaret
(About 1402-)
STRATON, Alexander 5th of Lauriston
(About 1375-)
(About 1394-)
STRACHAN, John of Thornton
(About 1423-1487)
STRATON, Margaret
(About 1425-)
STRACHAN, John of Thornton
(About 1446-After 1521)


Family Links

1. DURHAM, Margaret

STRACHAN, John of Thornton 1 2 3

  • Born: About 1446
  • Marriage (1): DURHAM, Margaret
  • Died: After 1521 4

   Other names for John were STRACHAN, John of Dillavaird 5 and STRATHAUCHIN, John of Dallivaird.1

  General Notes:

(referring to David Strachan of Thornton)
"Being without issue, he in 1521 made a formal resignation of his estate in favour of his nephew Alexander, son of his younger brother John, reserving his own liferent, that of his wife, and of his brother John, and his wife Margaret Durham."

from Memorials of the Family of Strachan and Wise (1873)
"Lineage.-David Stuart, first of Inchbreck (1547), was son of Andrew Stuart, of Johnston, or Laurencekirk, in the
Mearns, and grandson of Sir James Stuart, of Athol, son of Murdoch, Duke of Albany, who was grandson of Robert II. King of Scotland. David m. Aegidia, dau. of John Strathauchin, of Dallivaird, and had one son, John Stuart, of Inchbreck..."

from A Genealogical and Heraldic History of Great Britain 4

  Research Notes:

(also Dullivard, Dallivaird)

"Alexander Strachan, Laird of Thorntoun, divided the lands of Thorntoun to his two sones, viz., Alexr and John; Alexr he got the lands of Thorntoun, and to John he gave the lands of Monboddo. Alexr married Elizabeth, daur to the Lord Hay, and had succession an son named John, who succeeded to the lands of Thorntoun, and married Janet Ross, daur to the Laird of Auchloson in Marr, and begot on her an son called David Strachan, who married Margaret Hay, daur to the Laird of Dalgatie, arid had no succession; this David Strachan deceased, after whose decease John Strachan of Dillivaird succeeded, who married Eliz. Straton, daughter to the Laird of Lauriestoun, and begate on her an son named Alexr. Alexr, who married Katherine Erskine, daughter to the Laird of Dun, and begate on her a son named John, who married Margaret Livingston, daur to the Laird of Dunepace, and she had to him an son named Alexander, who married Eliz. Keith, daur to William, Earl Marischall."

from Memorials of the Families of Strachan and Wise (1877 Appendix)

Lay aside, if you will, the huge degree of difference presented by this Thornton genealogy, compared with what is generally accepted at present.
The point to be made here is that the title of "John Strachan of Dillivaird" is associated with John, David Strachan of Thornton's brother, through whom the Thornton succession continued. If Euphame Strachan was indeed this John Strachan's daughter, it would explain how it came into the Monboddo Strachan line. 5

John married someone Margaret DURHAM, daughter of Thomas DURHAM 4th of Grange and Unknown. (Margaret DURHAM was born about 1465.)


1 e-books, A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland by John Burke.

2 Internet Site, http://www.electricscotland.com/hiStory/articles/strachan.htm.

3 National Library of Scotland, https://digital.nls.uk/ - Macfarlane's Genealogical Collections concerning Families in Scotland, made by Walter MacFarlane, 1750-1751 ed. James T. Clark (1900).

4 e-books, Memorials of the Family of Strachan and Wise by Charles Rogers (1873.

5 e-books, Memorials of the Families of Strachan and Wise by Charles Rogers (1877 Appendix).

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