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REID, Thomas of Eslie
(About 1655-)
(About 1658-)
GREGORIE, David of Kinnairdy
GORDON, Isabel
(About 1655-)
REID, Lewis Minister of Strachan parish, Reverend Mr
GREGORY, Margaret
(About 1679-1732)
REID, Thomas Professor of Philosophy University of Glasgow, Reverend Mr


Family Links

1. REID, Elizabeth

REID, Thomas Professor of Philosophy University of Glasgow, Reverend Mr 2

  • Born: 26 April 1710 1
  • Baptised: 28 April 1710, Strachan Parish, Kincardineshire, Scotland 2
  • Marriage (1): REID, Elizabeth on 12 August 1740 1
  • Died: 1796, Edinburgh, Scotland 3

  General Notes:

Thomas Reid and his cousin, David Gregory, were among the founders of the Aberdeen Philosophical Society in 1758.

"THOMAS REID, born 26th April 1710, son of Lewis R., min. of Strachan, by his first wife, Margaret Gregory; educated at Parish School, Kincardine O'Neil, Grammar School, and Marischal College, Aberdeen; M.A. (April 1726); licen.
by Presb. of Kincardine O'Neil 22nd Sept. 1731 ; app. clerk of Presb. 2nd Aug. 1732; librarian at Marischal College, 1733-6; made a tour in England with his friend John Stewart, Professor of Mathematics; pres. by Principal and masters of King's College and by George II.; ord. 12th May 1737 [the people violently opposed his appointment, and, according to tradition, ducked him in a horse-pond, and at his first sermon he was guarded in the pulpit by a drawn sword]; app. Professor of Philosophy in King's College 22nd Dec. 1751; dem. 17th June 1752; D.D. (Aberdeen, 4th Jan. 1762); app. Professor of Moral Philosophy in Univ. of Glasgow 12th June 1764; died 7th Oct. 1796. Founder
of the Common Sense School of Scottish Philosophy. His philosophical treatises are noble and lasting monuments of his eminent abilities, his deep penetration, and his extensive learning. By unravelling sceptical perplexities, overturning illfounded hypotheses, and resting every conclusion on evident principles, he brought about a memorable revolution in the Philosophy of Human Nature. He was one of the kindest and gentlest of men. When he left New Machar the people followed him with blessings and tears, saying, 'We fought against you when you came, and we would fight for you now when you are going away'. He marr. 12th Aug. 1740, his cousin Elizabeth (born 3rd Aug. 1724, died 26th April 1792), daugh. of Dr George Reid, and had issue Jean, born 21st July 1741, died 27th Feb. 1772; Margaret, born 20th Oct. 1742, died 1772; Martha, born 22nd Aug. 1744 (marr. Patrick Carmichael, physician, Glasgow), died Feb. 1805; Elizabeth, born 21st Feb., died 21st Aug. 1746; Anna, born 10th July 1751, died 21st May 1753; George, born 11th
Feb. 1755, died at St John's, Newfoundland, Feb. 1780; Lewis, born 13th Dec. 1756, died 19th June 1758; David, born 26th Feb. 1762, died at Edinburgh, 30th Aug. 1782; Elizabeth, born 8th May 1766, died 1st June 1767."

from Fasti Ecclesiae
Note: Martha was the only one of the children of Thomas and Elizabeth Reid to survive them.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Became librarian, 1733, Marischal College, Aberdeen. 3

2. Became minister, 1737, New Machar parish, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. 3

3. Professor of Philosophy, 1751-1764, King's College, Aberdeen. 3

4. Professor of Moral Philospohy, 1764-1781, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland. 3

Thomas married Elizabeth REID, daughter of Dr George REID and Unknown, on 12 August 1740.1 (Elizabeth REID was born on 3 August 1724 1 and died on 26 April 1792 1 3.)


1 e-books, Fasti Ecclesiae Scoticanae by Hew Scott.

2 LDS Family Search, IGI.

3 GRO Scotland, Scotland's People.

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