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GRANT, Alexander of Burnside
(About 1645-)
GRANT, William of Lurg
(About 1645-)
GRANT, Helen
(About 1654-)
GRANT, John of Burnside
(About 1680-)
GRANT, Lilias
(About 1685-)
GRANT, Gregory Edinburgh Physician, Founder of Grantown Hospital, Dr


Family Links

1. LOMBE, Sarah
2. GRANT, Mary

GRANT, Gregory Edinburgh Physician, Founder of Grantown Hospital, Dr 1 3 4

  • Born: 13 August 1726, Cromdale and Inverallan parish, Moray, Scotland 2 5
  • Baptised: 15 August 1726, Cromdale and Inverallan parish, Moray, Scotland 5 6
  • Marriage (1): LOMBE, Sarah in Rotterdam, Netherlands 1
  • Marriage (2): GRANT, Mary on 3 June 1764 in Monymusk parish, Aberdeenshire, Scotland 2 3
  • Died: by 30 March 1803, Edinburgh parish, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland 4

   Another name for Gregory was GRANT, Grigor.5 6

   User ID: A760.

  General Notes:

128/B 10 117
Cromdale and Inverallan"

from Births and Baptisms

Old Parish Registers
Cromdale parish Inverness-shire

Cromdale August 15th 1726
Grigor son to John Grant & Lilias Grant in Burnside was born August 13th and baptized this day after Lecture"

This gentleman, long known as a respectable and eminent physician in Edinburgh, was a brother of Mr. Colquhoun Grant, whose exploits, as an adherent of Prince Charles Edward, have been noticed in a former article."

from Kay's Edinburgh Portraits

"I, Neil Grant, eldest lawfull son of the deceast John Grant in Lincorne, and nephew to Duncan Grant of Auchernack, who died in the month of October last without male issue of his body, for certain just and onerous causes me moving, do, by these presents, upon the condition aftermentioned, assign and dispone to and in favours of my cousine, Doctor Gregory Grant, physician in Edinburgh, and the heirs of his body, all lands and other heretable subjects now pertaining to me as chieftain or head of the clan Allan and family of Grant of Auchernack, and particularly all lands, heretages, titles, and honours to which I have, or can pretend to have, right as heir-male of the said Duncan Grant, last of Auchernack, undoubted chieftain or head of the clan Allan and family of Auchernack, with power to the said Doctor Gregory Grant to enter into the possession of the premisses, and to use and dispose thereof as he shall think proper; but always upon this express condition, that the said Doctor Gregory Grant and his foresaids, shall be bound and obliged, as by acceptation hereof they bind and oblidge them, to assume, use, and bear the name and arms of Grant of Auchernack, chieftain or head of the clan Allan, in all time coming.... .... In witness whereof, these presents (written upon stampt paper by Ludovick Grant, Junior, writer in Edinburgh) are subscribed by me at Edinburgh, the sixth day of February seventeen hundred and seventyseven years, before these witnesses : Colonell Alexander Grant of Arndilly, John Grant of Lurgg, Esquire, and the said Ludovick Grant. (Signed), Neil Grant. Alexr Grant, witness; John Grant, witness; Lud. Grant, witness." (page 532)

from Chiefs of Grant

685/1 980 422

from Deaths and Burials 1 2 4 5 6

Gregory married Sarah LOMBE in Rotterdam, Netherlands.1 (Sarah LOMBE was born about 1730.)

  Marriage Notes:

"The education of Dr. Grant was carefully superintended, and perfected at the most celebrated schools of the day. Having studied three years at the University of Aberdeen, and subsequently for five years at Edinburgh, he repaired to London, Rouen, and Paris, and took his degree at Leyden about the year 1740. He afterwards practised for some time at Rotterdam, where he married Miss Sarah Lombe, a lady of much piety and high mental attainments. By this union he had a son and daughter. The former died in infancy."

from Kay's Edinburgh Portraits 1

Gregory next married Mary GRANT, daughter of Sir Archibald GRANT of Moneymusk, 2nd Baronet, founder of Archiestown and Anne POTTS, on 3 June 1764 in Monymusk parish, Aberdeenshire, Scotland.2 3 (Mary GRANT was born about 1740 and died on 21 November 1812 in Leeds, England 2.)

  Marriage Notes:

224/ 20 297

from Index of Marriages

"Mary, who married, in 1764, as his second wife, Dr. Gregory Grant, physician, Edinburgh. They had two daughters - (1.) Mary Ann, married in 1790 to Dr. Thorp of Buxton ; (2.) Anna Katharine. Mrs. Mary Grant died at Leeds on 21st November 1812."

from Chiefs of Grant (vol 1) 2 3


1 e-books, Kay's Edinburgh Portraits by James Paterson (1885).

2 e-books, The Chiefs of Grant vol. 1 by William Fraser (1883).

3 GRO Scotland, OPR Index of Marriages.

4 GRO Scotland, OPR Index of Deaths and Burials.

5 Old Parish Registers of the Church of Scotland, Cromdale and Inverallan parish Invernesshire Baptisms.

6 GRO Scotland, OPR Index of Births and Baptisms.

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