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GRANT, James apparent of Auchernack
(About 1675-1721)
GRANT, John in Lincorne
(About 1685-)
GRANT, Daughter
(About 1695-)
(About 1715-After 1777)


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GRANT, Neil 1 2

  • Born: About 1715
  • Died: After 6 February 1777 1

   User ID: A783.

  General Notes:

"The following year, persuaded by poverty - and apparently by a distant relative, Dr. Gregory Grant - Neil Grant appeared before the Court of the Lord Lyon in Edinburgh. He renounced '… all lands, heritages, titles and honours' to which he had right as heir to Duncan Grant of Auchernack, whereupon Dr. Grant became chieftain of the Clan Allan."

from The Clan Allan

"I, Neil Grant, eldest lawfull son of the deceast John Grant in Lincorne, and nephew to Duncan Grant of Auchernack, who died in the month of October last without male issue of his body, for certain just and onerous causes me moving, do, by these presents, upon the condition aftermentioned, assign and dispone to and in favours of my cousine, Doctor Gregory Grant, physician in Edinburgh, and the heirs of his body, all lands and other heretable subjects now pertaining to me as chieftain or head of the clan Allan and family of Grant of Auchernack, and particularly all lands, heretages, titles, and honours to which I have, or can pretend to have, right as heir-male of the said Duncan Grant, last of Auchernack, undoubted chieftain or head of the clan Allan and family of Auchernack, with power to the said Doctor Gregory Grant to enter into the possession of the premisses, and to use and dispose thereof as he shall think proper; but always upon this express condition, that the said Doctor Gregory Grant and his foresaids, shall be bound and obliged, as by acceptation hereof they bind and oblidge them, to assume, use, and bear the name and arms of Grant of Auchernack, chieftain or head of the clan Allan, in all time coming. Dispensing with the generality hereof, and declaring these presents to be as valid and sufficient as if every particular meant to be conveyed were herein expressed, which disposition I oblidge me and my heirs to warrand from all facts and deeds done, or to be done, by me iu prejudice hereof; and I consent to the registration hereof in the Books of Couneill and Session, or others competent, therein to remain for preservation, and to that effect constitute my procurators.

- In witness whereof, these presents (written upon stampt paper by Ludovick Grant, Junior, writer in Edinburgh) are subscribed by me at Edinburgh, the sixth day of February seventeen hundred and seventy seven years, before these witnesses : Colonell Alexander Grant of Arndilly, John Grant of Lurgg, Esquire, and the said Ludovick Grant. (Signed), Neil Grant. Alexr Grant, witness ; John Grant, witness; Lud. Grant, witnesss."

from Chiefs of Grant (vol 1) 1 2


1 e-books, The Chiefs of Grant vol. 1 by William Fraser (1883).

2 e-books, The Clan Allan, the Grants of Auchernack and Burnside (at https://www.clangrant-us.org).

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