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INNES, John of Culvie
(About 1570-)
INNES, Alexander of Culvie, Minister at Rothiemay, then at Mortlach, Reverend Mr
(About 1600-1662)


Family Links

1. SCROGIE, Marionn

INNES, Alexander of Culvie, Minister at Rothiemay, then at Mortlach, Reverend Mr 1 2

  • Born: About 1600
  • Marriage (1): SCROGIE, Marionn on 18 August 1630 in Old Machar parish, Aberdeen, Scotland 1
  • Died: April 1662 2

   User ID: W363.

  General Notes:

(at Drainie of old Kinedar in 1620)
"ALEXANDER INNES, pres. by James VI. about 1620. At the Synod on 12th Oct. 1624, 'in the tryall of the ministrie and kirks within the bounds of the exerceise off Elgin it is found and heavilie regrated be the bretheren that the Kirk of Kynedor, quhilk is the principall kirk belonging to the Thesaurer of Moray, hes bein neglected these dyvers zeirs bygain by reasoun off Mr Alexander Innes his provisioun thereto in his zoung zeirs when he was vncapable off that charge, as also his absence furthe off the realme for the space off fowr or fiyve zeirs past, induring quhilk tyme no resident minister hes attendit that kirk and cuir thereoff, many grevous enormities daily brack furth in that parochin, and the minister serving at the kirk off Essil, quhilk belongs unto that dignitie, is not sufficientlie provydit ; all whiche had bein represented by the commissionars directed from this diocie to the Archbishop of Sanctandroes efter the deceiss of ther lait ordinar that by his Lordships authoritie the same might be redressit, notwithstanding quheroff the evill contineweth to the sclander of the gospell, prejudice of the Kirk and tinsell of many sowles. Whairanent our Reverend Father declarit that, eftir mony promises maid be the patrone to present ane qualifiet persone in caice the titular suld not returne at certan dayes long since past willing and able to vndergo that charge, he finding no performance hed resolved to process the titular but hed bein hindred therfra vpon occasioun of ane letter directit from the Kings Majestie vnto the Bishop of Sanct androes quherin his Hienes, being informed that the said Mr Alexander was following
his studies at Cambridge quherby the moir to inable him for his charge, wes pleasit to desyr that a certan tyme might be granted vnto him for that effect ; quherin, althocht the truthe hes bein kept vp from his Majestie, zit is it necessarie that the mater be so ruled as his Highnes sail not haiff occasioun to think that his royall desyrs are neglected. The bretheren resting heirin for the present reneweth thair former suitt for removing of that scandall, quherto the said Reverend Father promised to bestow his best trawells'; adm. to Inveraven before 25th Oct. 1625."

(at Inveraven in 1625)
"ALEXANDER INNES, M.A. ; trans, from Kinedar and adm. after 25th Oct. 1625 ; trans, to Rothiemay 30th
Aug. 1629."

(at Rothiemay in 1629)
"ALEXANDER INNES, of Culvie ; M.A. ; trans, from Inveraven and inst. 30th Aug. 1629 ; became min. of Mortlach 3rd July 1661."

(at Bellie in 1643)
"ALEXANDER INNES, adm. (assistant and successor) about 5th Jan. 1643 ; the Presb. granted toleration to his appointment, but afterwards rescinded it."

(at Mortlach in 1661 )

"ALEXANDER INNES of Culvie, born 1600, son of John I.; educated at King's College, Aberdeen; M.A. (1617) ; ord. to Kinedar [Drainie], about 1620; trans, to Inveraven after 25th Oct. 1625 ; trans, to Rothiemay and inst. 30th Aug. 1629. In 1634 he had his horse stolen by a party of Gordons in revenge for the burning of the House of Frendraught; dep. (for his anti-Covenanting leanings) by a Sub-Synod, 1st July 1640, when he had an allowance 'frae the King' of eight victual chalders out of the bishopric of Ross. He was reponed on 4th Oct. 1642, having abjured Episcopacy and preached (12th July) a penitential sermon from Acts xx., 28, but was again dep., 18th June 1646, and excommunicated at the order of the General Assembly by the Presb. of Aberdeen before 3rd June following. On 27th June he intruded at Kettle. On a reference from the Commission of Assembly he was enjoined, 5th March 1651, to 'begin his public repentence' in the kirk of Aberchirder [Marnoch], and there with many tears he acknowledged the 'heinousness of these sins that brought him under so heavy a sentence, quhilk he confessed was most justlie inflicted upon him, and so carried himself in such ane penitent way as the whole congregation were moved to shed tears for him.' The Synod, 5th Oct. 1659, found him 'incapable to have his mouth opened,' but the sentences were removed; elected to this charge 5th June, and adm. 3rd July 1661; died April 1662.
He marr. Marjory, daugh. of Alexander Scrogie, D.D., min. of Old Machar, and had issue John of Elrick; Elizabeth (marr.cont. 20th Jan. 1660, John Gordon in Bogsark, Cairney); Christian; Janet; Margaret, each of whom had a grant of vacant stipends by the Privy Council, 3rd July 1668.. [Spalding's Hist. 24; Gordon's Scots Affairs-., P.C. Reg., 3rd Ser., ii., 505.]"

from Fasti Ecclesiae (vol 6) 2

Alexander married Marionn SCROGIE, daughter of Reverend Dr Alexander SCROGIE Minister of First Charge, St Machar's, Aberdeen and Jean ROS, on 18 August 1630 in Old Machar parish, Aberdeen, Scotland.1 (Marionn SCROGIE was born about 1608.)

  Marriage Notes:

168/B 60 17
Old Machar"

from Index of Marriages

Note: Fasti Ecclesiae refers to a marriage between Marjory Scroggie and Alexander Innes in volume 6, and in volume 8 (Addenda et Corrigenda) gives a date for the marriage but this marriage is not found, in the OPR index online:
ALEXANDER INNES, reponed by Synod 'on his Petition has his mouth opened to preach the Gospel'; 4th April 1660, before adm. here. Marr. pro. 18th Aug. 1661, Marjory Scrogie. [Old Machar Reg.]" (Fasti Ecclesiae vol 8) 1 2


1 GRO Scotland, OPR Index of Marriages.

2 e-books, Fasti Ecclesiae Scoticanae by Hew Scott.

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