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GORDON, Alexander of Kethocksmill
(About 1578-)
GORDON, Patrick Professor of Hebrew, King's College Aberdeen
(About 1612-1693)


Family Links

1. HERVIE, Marie

GORDON, Patrick Professor of Hebrew, King's College Aberdeen 1

  • Born: About 1612
  • Marriage (1): HERVIE, Marie on 22 June 1650 in Old Machar parish, Aberdeen, Scotland 1 2
  • Died: 7 January 1693 1

   Other names for Patrick were GORDON, Patrick of Bogholl,3 GORDON, Patrick, Mr,1 GORDON, Patrick of Boghole (Rosehall),4 5 GORDON, Patrick Professor of Humanity,5 GORDONE, Pat : of Boigholl, Mr and GORDONE, Patrik.6

  General Notes:

in Appendix III Gordons at Scottish Universities: University and King's College Aberdeen:
"1629. Gordon, Patrick, M.A. 1633. S. of Thomas G. of Kethock's Mill; regent, civilist, humanist, prof, of Hebrew 1640-95."

'A fragmentary (MS.) history of the Gordons, now in Aberdeen University Library, states that Patrick Gordon, who was Humanist and professor of Hebrew in King's College, Old Aberdeen, and died in 1695, was of "Bogholl".'

from House of Gordon

"19 OCTOBER 1661.
The said day the Baillies forsaid hawinge conveinet the counsell and Comunitie of the said toune for the maist pairt and ther in pns. of the haill Inhabitants of the said toun the saids Baillies with William Angus ther thesaurer did dimit and lay doun ther rex'ivie charges and offices and earnestlie willit and desyrit that the counsell and the communitie of the said toun wold fall vpone ane new electione quho should be qualifeit and abell persones for the glorie of God and the weill of the said plaice and therefter the haill counsell and comunitie with consent and assent of the forsaids baillies did elect nominat and choos James Gordone of Seatone Williame Johnstone of Middeltone Captaine Arthor Forbes Mr William Douglas professor of Divinitie Mr Andro Muir Doctor of Phesicke of the Kings College and baillie within the bounds of the said Colledge Mr Pat : Sandilands subprinll of the said Colledge Mr William Johnstone and Mr Georg Gordoune regents Mr Thomas Gordon in Kethocks Millne Mr Pat : Gordone of Boigholl and John Gordone in litell Millne to be vpone the Counsell for ane year to come and also to hawe full frie pour and libertie to elect absolutlie be themselwes ane corume of the tread men and wther inhabitantis of the said toune to be joynit and conexit with them as counsellers of the said burgh for ane yeare to cum for the weillfaire and prospering therof and takinge away of all debaits and annimosities within the said toune and after the forsaids persons hade tackine serious inspectione cognitione and trayell of the premisses"

from Records of Old Aberdeen

1640, October 8. Mr. Patrick Gordon.
In place of Scrogie. Graduates of 1642-43, 1646-47, and entrants of 1647-48, who graduate with Mr. J. Strachan. Ejected with the Principal and Subprincipal c. 1650. Afterwards Civilist, 1661 ; Humanist, 1669 ; and Professor of Hebrew, 1673."

1642. Mr. Patrick Gordon, Regent."

'(In Life of William Guild by Shireffs) " Anno 1649 the General Assembly gave a commission to some ministers and lay elders to reform the College, and expel the malignants. Persons thrust out: Dr. William Guild, principal; Alexander Middleton, subprincipal; Patrick Gordon, George Middleton, professors of philosophy." '

1669 Mr Patrick Gordon Previously Regent, 1640-50. " He was a son of Gordon of Kethock's Mill. 1 . . . He married Marie Hervie, 22nd June, 1650. He was turned out by the English, along with Principal Guild ; upon which only 16 of his
32 students [entrants of 1647-48] remained at the College [graduates of 1651-52: Mr. John Strachan]. After the Restoration he was made Civilist, which he demits anno 1669, and became Humanist, in which last office he died. Having acquired the Hebrew language from a Jew that happened to come to the country, the College gave him a salary of [300 merks] with the
title of Professor of Hebrew, in order to induce him to teach the students that language, which he continued to do, along with the Humanity, till his death. . . . 7th January, 1693, Mr. Patrick being 80 years of age, the Masters nominate his son, Mr. Thomas Gordon, as his Colleague, and find and oblige themselves to declare him his father's successor at his death, etc., and to grant him a presentation, etc. [This minute not now extant.] ..." Gordon.'

'1673, August 22. Mr. Patrick Gordon.
"The said day, the masters and members forsaid taking into ther serious consideration the great loss and prejudice quhich the students and church of God does sustain thorow wanting of teaching and instructing the youth in the Hebrew and other orientall tongues, does unanimously think fit, and by thir presents orders and ordaines that in tyme comeing ther be ane profession of the said orientall tongues in the said colledge, and that by the advyce and consent of the right reverend father in God Patrick [Scougal] lord bishop of Aberdene chancellar of the said colledge and universitie; as also the forsaids masters and members being sufficiently convinced of the abilities and qualifications of Mr. Patrick Gordon humanist for exerceing and discharging the duetyes of the said profession doe unanimouslie nominat and elect him to be professor of the Hebrew and other orientall tongues in the said colledge dureing all the dayes of his lyftyme; and for his pains and salarie in the exercise of the said function, it is recommended to the principall and remanent members to consider upon the colledge rents, that they may have ther thoughts mature and ripe befor the downsitting of the colledge next, for determineing and measuring out the quota of the proportion thereof allowable to him both at his entrie and for the future." 300 merks Scots assigned as salary, 29th December, 1674.

from Officers and Graduates 3 7 8 9

  Research Notes:


"Half of Boghole had been owned in the sixteenth century by William Gordon, the illegitimate son of William Gordon, Bishop of Aberdeen (fourth son of Alexander, third Earl of Huntly) by Janet Knowles (Records of Aboyne, p. 90). William sold Boghole in 1562 to William Menzies. On June 26, 1608, Adam of Bogholl got sasine in the sunny half of Boghole. Bogholl, apparently ashamed of its uneuphonious name, ultimately transformed itself into Rosehall, and in 1732 was owned by the Cuthberts (Shires of Aberdeen and Banff, i., 236)."

from House of Gordon

Note: See the entry for Adam Gordon of Boghole in New Machar for further information about the early history of this piece of land.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Regent: King's College, 1640 to 1650, Aberdeen. 1

2. Civilist: King's College, 1661, Aberdeen. 1 8

3. Humanist: King's College, 1669, Aberdeen. 1

4. Professor of Hebrew: King's College, 1673, Aberdeen. 1

Patrick married Marie HERVIE on 22 June 1650 in Old Machar parish, Aberdeen, Scotland.1 2 (Marie HERVIE was born about 1633.)


1 e-books, Officers and Graduates of University and King's College Aberdeen ed. P.J.Anderson (1893).

2 LDS Family Search, IGI.

3 e-books, The House of Gordon ed. John Malcolm Bulloch.

4 e-books, A Description of the Chanonry, Cathedral, and King's College of Old Aberdeen by William Orem.

5 e-books, Aberdeen Journal Scottish Notes and Queries March 1904.

6 Old Parish Registers of the Church of Scotland, Old Machar Parish Aberdeenshire Baptisms.

7 Internet Site, http://calms.abdn.ac.uk/ Collection: GB 0231 University of Aberdeen, Special Collections Ref No MS 3107.

8 e-books, Officers and Graduates of University and King's College Aberdeen ed P.J.Anderson (1893).

9 e-books, Records of Old Aberdeen.

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