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FORBES, William of Craigievar, Baronet, Sir
(About 1610-1648)
MURRAY, Bathia
(About 1621-)
YOUNG, Peter of Auldbar
(About 1610-After 1670)
FORBES, John of Craigievar, 2nd Baronet, 'Red Sir John', Sir
(About 1636-)
YOUNG, Margaret
(About 1644-)
FORBES, William of Craigievar, 3rd Baronet, Sir
(About 1662-)


Family Links

1. ROSE, Margaret

FORBES, William of Craigievar, 3rd Baronet, Sir 1 2 3

  • Born: About 1662
  • Marriage (1): ROSE, Margaret 31 October 1684(contract) 1

   User ID: V258.

William married Margaret ROSE, daughter of Hugh ROSE 14th of Kilravock and Margaret INNES, 31 October 1684(contract).1 (Margaret ROSE was born about 1670.)

  Marriage Notes:

"At Kilravock, the last day of October, in the yeare off God 1684 years,
it is ended, condescended, finallie agreed, and matrimonially contracted betuixt
the honorabil pairties afternamed, to witt, William Forbes younger of Craigivarr for himself, witli consent of Sir John Forbes elder of Craiggivar, Knight Baronet, his father, and the said Sir John Forbes for himself, his owne interest, with consent of his said sone, and them both with ane consent and assent, wpon the ane pairt, and Mrs. Margaret Rose, eldest daughter to Hugh Rose of Kilravock, with consent of her said father, and the said Hugh Rose of Kilravock, for himself, with consent and taking burden in and wpon him for his said daughter, and them both with ane consent and assent wpon the other . . . The said Sir John Forbes elder, and William Forbes younger of Craigievarr . . . bind them ... to obtaine . . . the King's
charter ... to the said Sir John Forbes, in lyferent, and William Forbes his said sone, in fee . . . (and to the heirs male of the marriage, whom failing, to the heirs of tailzie as they are substitute in the disposition made by Peter Young of Seatoune in 1677,) in the baronie of Craigivarr, the lands of Sheallfield, Wester Lochel, the Bridges, Knockeandoch, Bandein, Inenter, in the parochin of Lochell, Hattone of Fintray, the Bray of Cathie, Lambingtowne, Cowrstaires, with numerous advowsons, (reserving the liferents of Dame Bathia Moray, sometime spouse to the deceast Sir William Forbes of Craigivarr, and of Dame Margaret Young, spouse to Sir John. In case of there being only daughters of the marriage, who are excluded from the entailed estate, William Forbes binds himself to pay 10,000 merks if only one, if two, 15,000, and if three or more, to pay to them 20,000 merks,) to be divided amonst them by the advyce of the said Sir John Forbes, Robert Young younger of Auldbarr, and Peter Forbes of Fowles, freinds appointed
upon the fathers side, and Kilravock elder, John Rose of Rosehill, and Alexander Rose of Clava, friends upon the mother's side, and faylleing either of them be deceass, ther nearest representative of perfect age. (Dot and tocher good, 10,000 merks.) Before these witnesses etc ...."

from Family of Rose 1


1 e-books, A Genealogical Deduction of the Family of Rose of Kilravock by Hew Rose and Lachlan Shaw (1848).

2 e-books, Memoranda relating to the Family of Forbes of Waterton from a MS by John Forbes (1857).

3 Internet Site, http://www.historyofparliamentonline.org/volume/1715-1754/member/forbes-sir-arthur-1709-73.

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