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(About 1625-1694)


Family Links

1. BINNING, Hugh Minister of Govan parish, Reverend Mr
2. GORDON, James of Comber parish, Reverend Mr

SIMPSON, Marie 1

  • Born: About 1625
  • Marriage (1): BINNING, Hugh Minister of Govan parish, Reverend Mr 17 May 1650 (contract) 1 2
  • Marriage (2): GORDON, James of Comber parish, Reverend Mr 1
  • Died: 1694, Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland 2

   Another name for Marie was SIMSON, Mary.2

   User ID: H590.

Marie married Reverend Mr Hugh BINNING Minister of Govan parish 17 May 1650 (contract).1 2 (Reverend Mr Hugh BINNING Minister of Govan parish was born about 1627 and died in September 1653 1 2.). The cause of his death was consumption.

  Marriage Notes:

"Mr Simpson remained in Newry as minister to a congregation there, and was still in Newry in 1650, when his daughter, Mary, married the Rev. Hugh Binning, minister of Govan. who died of consumption in September, 1653, aged 27."

from Gordons of Salterhill

(at Govan in 1650)

Hugh Binning, M.A., born 1627, son of John B. of Dalvennan, Straiten ; regent in the Univ. of Glasgow ; died 25th Oct. 1649; ord. 8th Jan. 1650, holding his regency till 14th May that year. He joined the Protesters in 1651 ; died of consumption Sept. 1653. He was remarkably popular as a preacher, having been considered 'the most accomplished philosopher and divine in his time, and styled the Scottish Cicero.'; He marr. (cont. 17th May 1650), Mary (died at Paisley in 1694), daugh. of Richard Simson, min. of Sprouston (she marr. (2) James Gordon, min. at Comber, in Ireland), and had issue John of Dalvennan."

from Fasti Ecclesiae 1 2

Marie next married Reverend Mr James GORDON of Comber parish, son of Alexander GORDON of Dipple, Salterhill and Kinneddar and Wife 1 GORDON of Gordonstoun family?.1 (Reverend Mr James GORDON of Comber parish was born about 1625 and died after 1684 3.)

  Marriage Notes:

"I do not know when the Rev. James Gordon died. His will has not been found, despite an exhaustive search, nor any grant of administration on his estate. Part of the Comber property which he owned formed part of the same Abbey lands in the Barony of Newry, as were those at Sheepbridge, which were granted to the first James Gordon of Sheepbridge in 1692.

The Rev. James Gordon married (as her second husband) Marie Simpson, the daughter of the Rev. James Simpson minister of Airthland." (page 33)

"The Rev. James Gordon refers in his letters to only three children, a son (of whom he speaks in the letter to his daughter Jean as 'your poore prodigall brother'), and two daughters. Mr Armistead Gordon, however, gives him three sons as follows :

1. (?) James Gordon of Sheepbridge near Newry, a family that became extinct in the direct male line in 1891.

2. (?) Robert Gordon of Ballinteggart, progenitor of the Gordons of Florida, Manor and Altamont, Co. Down.

3. (?) Hugh Gordon of Killyleagh, Co. Down. Mr (Armistead) Gordon is doubtful of his parentage, but points out the name of Hugh, which was the same as that of the Rev. James Gordon of Comber's patron, Lord Montgomery, and also that two of Hugh's daughters, Betty and Jean, bear the same names as James's daughters, as is shown by Hugh's will, which was proved in 1686 ...." (pages 35 and 36)

"4. Elizabeth Gordon is referred to in her father's letter as being married to an officer garrisoned in 1680 at Galway. Mr Armistead Gordon calls him Lieut. Packington, identifying her with the Elizabeth Gordon, 'alias Packington,' who was a beneficiary under the will of the Rev. Alexander Gordon of Rathfriland in 1708. (page 38)

5. "Jean Gordon .... " (pages 38 and 39)

from Gordons of Salterhill 1 2


1 e-books, The Gordons of Salterhill and their Irish descendants by J.M.Bulloch (1910).

2 e-books, Fasti Ecclesiae Scoticanae vol. 3 Glasgow and Ayr by Hew Scott.pdf.

3 Internet Site, http://comberhistory.com/chs%20churches.htm Comber Historical Scociety Christianity in Comber by Desmond Rainey.

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