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DE LOWEDRE, William of Lowther, Sheriff of Perth
DE LAWEDRE, Robert of The Bass, fought at Stirling Bridge, Sir
(About 1270-1311)
DE LAWEDRE, Robert of The Bass, 'he Good', Ambassador to England, Sir
(About 1300-1337/1342)


Family Links

1. Unknown

DE LAWEDRE, Robert of The Bass, 'he Good', Ambassador to England, Sir 1 2

  • Born: About 1300
  • Marriage (1): Unknown
  • Died: either 1337 or 1342

  General Notes:

"His (Robert who fought at Stirling Bridge) son was ambassador several times for King David II and was Keeper of the castle at Berwick-upon-Tweed becoming, later, Chamberlain of Scotland. This Sir Robert and his eldest son, Sir Robert Lauder of Quarrelwood (in Moray – originally part of Macbeth's own lands) were at the battle of Halidon Hill in 1333 after which Robert junior hastened north to hold Urquhart Castle against the English King.

from The Lauders of Bass

"Sir Robert was ambassador to England from Robert I. upon various occasions, one of these being in 1323, and was engaged in similar service for King David Bruce. On page xxviii. of the Appendix will be found an allusion to a ratification by King Edward III. of England, et totum consilium, dated at Northampton the 4th of May, 1328, of a treaty, concluded at Edinburgh on the 17th March of that year, between Robert, King of Scots, and the plenipotentiaries of the said King Edward III. To the faithful performance of all the articles of this treaty, Sir Robert swore by the soul of the King of Scots, and on the Holy Gospels. This oath was taken in presence of the Bruce, and by his special command. At this time Sir Robert was justiciary of the Lothians and that part of Scotland to the south of the Forth. The Extracts from the 'Index of Records of Charters,' contained in No. xx. of the Appendix to this volume, mention several charters granted by Rob. I. to this baron of the lands of Penkateland, Nisbet and Colden, and of Lethberd Mill."

from Family of Lauder 1 3

Robert married.


1 e-books, Notes on Historical References to the Scottish Family of Lauder ed. James Young (1884).

2 Internet Site, http://www.clanmacfarlanegenealogy.info/.

3 Internet Site, https://electricscotland.com/webclans/htol/lauder6.htm Clan Lauder The Lauders of the Bass.

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