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INNES, James 2nd of Drainie
(About 1487-1540)
GORDON, Elizabeth
(About 1495-)
GORDON, George 2nd of Cairnborrow
(About 1498-1547)
GORDON, Katharine
(About 1484-)
INNES, James 3rd of Drainie
(About 1517-1572)
GORDON, Katharine
(About 1527-)
INNES, Robert 4th of Drainie, bailie of bishopric of Moray
(About 1542-Before 1585)


Family Links

1. ROSE, Helen

INNES, Robert 4th of Drainie, bailie of bishopric of Moray 1

  • Born: About 1542
  • Marriage (1): ROSE, Helen 1
  • Died: Before 1585 1

   User ID: G307.

Robert married someone Helen ROSE, daughter of Hugh ROSE 10th of Kilravock, 'The Black Baron' and Catherine FALCONER.1 (Helen ROSE was born about 1550.)

  Marriage Notes:

"Robert (Innes) 4th of Drainie baillie of bishopric of Moray m before 1566 Helen Rose (who m (2) Thomas Rose of Holme) cited in Dunbar feud died before 1585 Balnacraig 77"

from Innes of Drainie

" .... and Therefore that it may be known that we did not grant this present diploma rashly or by mere assent, but after instituting a diligent scrutiny in the matter, we called into Court James Gordoune of Rothe-may and James Innes of Drumgask, who, after the solemn oath of our religion had been administered to them gave evidence that the foresaid Walter Innes was the lawful son of Alexander Innes of Kinminitie by Christina Young, his wife, and that the said Alexander Innes was the lawful son of James (see Note below) Innes of Draynie, grandfather of the said Walter Innes by Helen Ross his lawful wife and grandmother of the said Walter Innes, the said Helen Ross being a daughter of Hugh Ross, Baron of Kilravock, by Helen Falconer, a daughter of the Lord of Halkertoune"

from Birth brief of Walter Innes


It would appear that the given name of the laird of Drainie who married Helen Ross has been inaccurately recorded in the birth brief, understandably dince his father and son were both named James.
1 2


1 Internet Site, https://www.anesfhs.org.uk/images/downloads/innes/pdfs/a_13_innes_of_drainie.pdf Innes of Drainie descended from Innes of Innes.

2 e-books, Relics of the Family of Innes of Balnacraig and Ballogie, Aberdeenshire, Including a Portrait of Prince Charles Edward Stuart by John Stirton Reprinted from the Journal of the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland (10 January 1921).

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