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INNES, Robert younger, 4th of Innermarkie
(About 1560-1595)
(About 1562-)
INNES, John of Halton, 2nd of Coxton
(About 1565-1635)
KINNAIRD, Margaret 'of Culbin'
(About 1570-)
INNES, Archibald
(About 1582-)
INNES, Barbara
(About 1590-)
INNES, Margaret
(About 1623-)


Family Links

1. GEDDES, James of Achinreath

INNES, Margaret 1

  • Born: About 1623
  • Marriage (1): GEDDES, James of Achinreath 1 2

   User ID: E757.

Margaret married James GEDDES of Achinreath, son of Unknown GEDDES and Unknown.1 2 (James GEDDES of Achinreath was born about 1610.)

  Marriage Notes:

"The eldest son John (Innes) married without consent of his friends, Marjiorie Geddes, daughter to James Geddes of Achinreath, who was brother-german to Andrew Geddes of Essill, who though now extinct as to ane family, was the representative of the family of Geddes. And her mother's name was Margaret Innes, only daughter to Archibald Innes, brother-german to the Laird of Balvenie, procreat upon Barbara Innes, relict of Dunbreck baron of Ortoun after she had born 24 children to the said Baron. And this Barbara was daughter to Mr. John Innes of Coxtoune"

from Familie of Innes

"1640, Oct. 9. - Be it kenned to all men be thir present letters me, James Geddes of Ower Achinreath, forsameikle as, be reasone of certaine contraversies falline be me and Margaret lnnes, my spous, so that for the present we can not live togidder in sic sympathie and concord as becometh betwix man and wyfe, it is thocht guid and expedient be certaine of our well-willie freinds on both syds that ther be a sequestratione betwix us for a tyme . . .faithfullie bind . . . me . . . to . . . pay to Alexander Innes, now in Bellormie, in name of said Margaret, the sume of four scoir punds money yeirlie . . . and gif ony miscariage or break of dewtie happin to be fund or qualiefeit other on my or her partis the same to be judgit be Alexander Innes now in Bellormie, Walter Innes of Wrtane, David Dunbar in Garmoche, and Alexander Gordoune of Saterhill, wha hes brocht ws to this appoyntment above written ... in witness quherof I haif subscribit thir presentis wretin be John Innes, notar publict, at Haltoune the nynt day of October, 1640 yeirs, befor thir witnesses, the saids Walter Innes, David Dunbar, Alexander Gordoune, and John Innes; recorded in Elgin Commissary Records, 26 July, 1649" (page 8)

from The Gordons of Salterhill 1 2


1 e-books, Ane Account of the Familie of Innes compiled by Duncan Forbes of Culloden 1698 (Spalding Club 1864).

2 e-books, The Gordons of Salterhill and their Irish descendants by J.M.Bulloch (1910).

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