GORDON, George
General Notes:
In the text of the Testament and Inventory of John Watson and his wife, Jean Gordon, in Tullochallum his executor is required:
"...to pay to George Gordon mason late our servant Nephew to me the said Jean Gordon the sum of one hundred pounds Scots money..."
This bequest was part of the will signed originally in 12 July 1770. Later, on 24 November 1773, a codicil was added to the will. This codicil is somewhat confusing, from the point of view of names and relationships, for the recipient initially was clearly named as George and as the nephew of Jean Gordon:
"As the within named John Gordon my wife's Father's Son was appointed in the within Testament to have one hundred pounds Scots money But now sound in Judgement and having the use of my senses and for the said George Gordon's Ingratitude I do hereby Declare that Article to be void and null and he is to have no share in my Testament at all..."
The same hundred pounds Scots money was thereafter bequeathed to two other people. 1