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KENNEDY, Gilbert 4th Earl of Cassilis
(About 1542-1576)
LYON, Margaret
KENNEDY, Hew Master of Cassilis
(About 1570-Before 1607)
KENNEDY, John 6th Earl of Cassilis, Privy Counsellor
(About 1595-1668)


Family Links


2. HAY, Margaret

KENNEDY, John 6th Earl of Cassilis, Privy Counsellor 1 2

  • Born: About 1595
  • Marriage (1): HAMILTON, Jean 21 December 1621 and 7 January 1622(contract) 1
  • Marriage (2): HAY, Margaret 20 February 1644(contract) 1 2
  • Died: April 1668 1

   User ID: A514.

John married Jean HAMILTON, daughter of Thomas HAMILTON Earl of Haddington and Margaret FOULIS, 21 December 1621 and 7 January 1622(contract).1 (Jean HAMILTON was born on 5 February 1607 and died about 15 December 1642 1.)

  Marriage Notes:

"The Earl (6th of Cassilis) was twice married, first (contract 21 December 1621 and 7 January 1622) to Jean, daughter of Thomas Hamilton, Earl of Haddington. She died on or about 15 December 1642. About this lady a curious legend has been made current by tradition and by some popular writers to the effect that she eloped from her husband, in his absence at the Westminster Assembly, with a handsome gipsy. Sir John Paa, a former lover ; that they were followed and taken ; that he was hanged, while the lady was shut up in the family liouse at Maybole, and remained a prisoner for the rest of her life. But this story is entirely disproved by the fact that she remained the Earl's wife for twenty-one years, and letters from him after her death show his affection and great regard for her. It may be added that the Westminster Assembly did not meet till 1643, after her death."

from Scots Peerage (vol 2) 1

John next married Margaret HAY, daughter of William HAY 10th Earl of Erroll, High Constable of Scotland and Anne LYON, 20 February 1644(contract).1 2 (Margaret HAY was born about 1622 and died on 22 April 1695 in St Martin's in the Fields, London, England 2.)

  Marriage Notes:

"The Earl (6th of Cassilis) married, secondly, Margaret Hay, daughter of William, Earl of Erroll, widow of Henry, Lord Ker, eldest son of Robert, first Earl of Roxburglie. Their marriage contract was dated on 20 February 1644, at the Scots Leaguer, at Heighten, in England. She survived him, and was buried, 22 April 1695, at St. Martin's-in-the-Fields. The Earl had issue by both wives"

from Scots Peerage (vol 2)

"Margaret, married .... secondly (contract dated at the Scots Leaguer at Heighten in England, 20 February 1644), John, sixth Earl of Cassillis. She was buried at St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, 22 April 1695"

from Scots Peerage (vol 3) 1 2


1 e-books, The Scots Peerage ed. Sir James Balfour Paul vol. 2 (1905).

2 e-books, The Scots Peerage ed. Sir James Balfour Paul vol. 3 (1906).

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