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ROSE, Hugh 9th of Kilravock
(About 1485-)
(About 1492-)
FALCONER, David 4th of Halkerton
(About 1487-About 1548)
DUNBAR, Mariot
(About 1493-)
ROSE, Hugh 10th of Kilravock, 'The Black Baron'
(About 1511-1597)
FALCONER, Catherine
(About 1516-1591)
ROSE, Katharen
(About 1553-)


Family Links

1. URQUHART, William of Burdsyards

ROSE, Katharen 1

  • Born: About 1553
  • Marriage (1): URQUHART, William of Burdsyards 8 November 1569(contract) 1

   Another name for Katharen was ROSE, Catherine.2

   User ID: Z144.

Katharen married William URQUHART of Burdsyards, son of Alexander URQUHART of Burdsyards, Provost of Forres and Elizabeth CUMMING, 8 November 1569(contract).1 (William URQUHART of Burdsyards was born about 1562 and died in 1599 2.)

  Marriage Notes:

"Another of his (Hugh Rose's) daughters, named Katharen, is contracted, November 8, 1569, to Wiliam Urquhart, son and appearand heir to Alexander Urquhart of Burriezards. The tocher 1100 merks. I conceive and find his fortune then considerable; and by what I have seen, I judge he is the eldest extant cadett of the familie of Cromertie." (page 73)

A contract of marriage between William Urquhart younger of Burrisyairdis and Katherine Ros daughter of Hugh Ros of Kilravock ; Alexander Urquhart of Burrisyairdis to infeft the said Katherine in the lands of Sherifimill in the regality of Spynie, in eighteen days salmon fishing of the fresh water of the Findhorn, to be held of the abbot and convent of Kinloss, and also in the landis of Lae in the regality of Spynie. Kilravock to pay the sum of 1100 merks as dowry. In witnes heirof, the saidis perteis lies subscriuit ther presentis at Alderne the audit day of
September 1569, befoir ther witnes, houorabill men, Alexander Dumbar of Cumnok knight, Alexander Falconar of Halkartoun, Robert Dumbar of Durris, Dauid Dumbar his sone and appeirand air, George Dumbar in Westir Alwes, Angus Ros burges off Narne, Jhone Ros burges off Innernes, Jhone Ros provest of Narne, Adame Urquhard, Chairlis Urquhard brothir to the said Alexander Urquhard, Maistar Alexander Dowglas commissar of Elgin, and Sir Jhone Gibsone persone of Unthank notar publict, with vtheris divers ......"

from Family of Rose

"About the year 1571, William, eldest son and apparent heir of Alexander Urquhart of Burdsyards, married Catherine, third daughter of Hugh Rose of Kilravock."

from Annals of Elgin 1 2


1 e-books, A Genealogical Deduction of the Family of Rose of Kilravock by Hew Rose and Lachlan Shaw (1848).

2 e-books, Annals of the Parish and Burgh of Elgin by Robert Young (1879).

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