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STEWART, Thomas younger, 2nd of Kilnmaichlie
(About 1520-)
WIFE, First
(About 1535-)
STEWART, John 3rd of Kilnmaichlie
(About 1555-)
STEWART, Robert of Nevie
(About 1595-After 1652)


Family Links

1. BONIMAN, Agnes

2. ALLANE, Elspet
3. SHEARER, Beatrix
4. SHEARER, Elspet

STEWART, Robert of Nevie 1 2 3

  • Born: About 1595
  • Marriage (1): BONIMAN, Agnes
  • Partnership (2): ALLANE, Elspet
  • Marriage (3): SHEARER, Beatrix before 29 June 1640 1
  • Partnership (4): SHEARER, Elspet
  • Died: After 7 May 1652 2

   Other names for Robert were STEUART, Robert in Easterkinmacalon,1 3 STEUART, Robert in Kimachlon,1 STEUART, Rot of Nevie,1 STEWART, Rob.,1 STEWART, Robert in Newie,1 STEWART, Robert in Easterkinmachlon,1 STUART, Robert of Newie 1 and STUART, Robert.1 3

   User ID: K883.

  General Notes:

"There was recorded at Elgin on June 16, 1653, a contract matrimonial 'at Tombreakachie, 7 May 1652, between Robert Stewart of Nevie and Arthur Stewart, his eldest lawfull sone, for Margaret Stewart, the said Robert Stewart, his lawfull dochter, on one part, and William Gordon of Minmore and Alexander Gordon, his eldest lawfull sone, for Harrie Gordon, sone lawfull to the said William Gordon, on the other part [for Harry and Margaret] : before thir witnesses - Thomas Stewart of Drumine, John Grant of Blairfindie, Patrick Gordone, sone lawfull to said William Gordon of Minmore, Thomas Stewart in Tombreakachie, and Robert Stewart, sone lawfull to Robert Stewart of Nevie.'

On June 14, 1652, 'Harie Gordone in Auchorachan,' gives a bond for £100 to his 'father-in-law, Robert Stewart of Nevie, and on December 8,1655, Robert Stewart of Nevie grants receipt of said £100 from 'Harrie Gordon in Nevie.' "

from The Gordons and Smiths at Minmore


The nuclear family of Stewart noted above appears to consist of an older man, Robert Stewart of Nevie, his two sons, Arthur and Robert, and a daughter Margaret. The elder Robert Stewart of Nevie was, then, alive in 1653.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Witness: baptism of Helen daughter of Arthur Stewart, 14 April 1639, Inveravon parish, Banffshire, Scotland. 1

Robert married Agnes BONIMAN. (Agnes BONIMAN was born about 1605 and died before 29 June 1640 1.)

  Marriage Notes:

Arthur, Robert and Margaret Stewart are named in The Gordons and Smiths at Minmore as children of Robert Stewart of Nevie.

Alexander, Patrik, Jane and Isobell Stewart are recorded in Inveravon parish registers as children of Robert Stewart of Nevie and his wife Agnes, or Nans, Boniman, eg

Old Parish Registers
Inveravon parish Banffshire

"17 Novemb. 1633
Robert Stewart in newie his sone with hs spous Agnes boniman James Grant in dellavaich & arthor stewart in kynmachlie witness. alexr."

The text of William Stewart's baptism record has no identifying mother's name but could well be in the sequence of baptisms of children of Robert Stewart and Agnes Boniman.

Agnes Boniman, therefore, may be the mother of Arthur, Margaret and Robert Stewart. The Inveravon parish registers hold no records for the period before 1630 when they were probably born.

It is, of course, possible that there was a wife of Robert Stewart before his marriage to Agnes and that only the younger children are the offspring of Agnes Boniman, or it may simply be that the baptisms of the older children were not recorded in the parish records and that all of the children are children of Agnes Boniman.
1 2

Robert had a relationship with Elspet ALLANE. (Elspet ALLANE was born about 1620.)

  Marriage Notes:

There is no evidence that this couple ever married:

Old Parish Registers
Inveravon parish Banffshire

"12 februarii. 1637
Robert Stewart in Easterkinmachlon his barne (gotten in fornicatione with Elspet Allane) Baptised; is called Farquhard Wlliam falconer & Johne Grant in blairfindie Witness." 1

Robert next married Beatrix SHEARER before 29 June 1640.1 (Beatrix SHEARER was born about 1615.)

  Marriage Notes:

No marriage record has been found for this couple but the baptism record of their son John is clear that they were married by the time he was baptised:

Old Parish Registers
Inveravon parish Banffshire

"29 Junii. 1640
Robert Steuart in Easterkinmacalon his Lawll sonne gotten with Beatrix Shearer his Wyff baptized Johne, Johne Steuart in daskie, William Leslie in dalraichie" 1

Robert had a relationship with Elspet SHEARER. (Elspet SHEARER was born about 1620.)

  Marriage Notes:

There is no evidence that this couple ever married:

Old Parish Registers
Inveravon parish Banffshire

21 Merch 1641
Robert Steuart of Nevie his natural daught gotten with Elspet Shearer his handmaid baptised Jonet Johne Steu (end of line -word blurred) in Daskie, James Broun in Achbrek Witness" 1


1 Old Parish Registers of the Church of Scotland, Inveravon parish Banffshire Baptisms.

2 e-books, The Gordons and Smiths at Minmore, Auchorachan, and Upper Drumin in Glenlivet by J. M. Bulloch (1910).

3 GRO Scotland, OPR Index of Births and Baptisms.

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