FORBES, John Minister of Auchterless, Reverend Mr 1
General Notes:
(at Auchterless 1627) "JOHN FORBES, M.A., son of Alexander F- of Aberdeen; regent in King's College, Aberdeen; adm. about 5th July 1627; dep. before 20th April 1641 for not supporting the Covenant, which sentence was approved by the General Assembly in 1643, and on 13th Feb. 1645 the Presb. was ordered by the Assembly to proceed to his excommunication. The Parliament recommended him in 1661 to the Privy Council 'for the bygane vacant stipend of Tarves' on account of his sufferings and loyalty. [Aberdeen Sheriff-Court Records, ii., 294; Privy Seal Eng. Reg., ii., 524; Acts of Parl., vii.. 123, 128; Spalding's Hist., 179.]"
from Fasti Ecclesiae 2