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GORDON, Adam of Park, Sir
(About 1577-1629)
GORDON, Christian
(About 1581-)
SIBBALD, James of Rankeillour, Fife, Sir
(About 1581-)
BARCLAY, Margaret
(About 1581-)
GORDON, John 2nd of Park, Sir
(About 1610-)
SIBBALD, Margaret
(About 1615-1667)
GORDON, George of Edenglassie, Sheriff of Banff, Sir
(About 1637-1691)


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GORDON, George of Edenglassie, Sheriff of Banff, Sir 2 3

  • Born: About 1637
  • Marriage (1): ABERCROMBY, Mary 1
  • Died: January 1691, Carnousie, Turriff, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
  • Buried: Isle of Corncairn or Ordewhill, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

   Another name for George was GORDONE, George off Edinglassie.4

   User ID: F731.

  General Notes:

George's full title was Sir George Gordon of Edenglassie, Invermarkie, Auchinhandoch, Carnousie and Crannoch.
....of Edenglassie Carnousie Sherriff-Principal of Bamffshire and Captain of the Independent Troop of Horse that belonged to the Earl of Annandale.

'The Balbithan M S. ' gives Sir George Gordon of Edinglassie, Invermarkie, Auchinhandock, Carnousie and Crannoch, as second son of Sir John Gordon, second laird of Park by his wife, Hellen Sibbald, daughter of Sir James Sibbald of Ramkillor, in Fifeshire. His wife, whom he married in 1665, was daughter of Sir Alexr. Abercrombie of Birkenbog. On 25th Deer., 1669, an "Act, 2 in favours of George Gordoun of Edinglassie for ane yeerly fair on the hill of Invermerkie," was passed by the Scots Parliament. This fair is known as Glass market. On 7 Feby., 1677, a docquet of the warrant for a charter to George Gordon of Edinglassie on the barony of Rothiemay was issued by the Crown. He was knighted by Charles II. in 1681.

26 Apryll, 1665. Seasing Marie Abercrombie, spous to Georg Gordone of Edinglassie, in lyfrent of the maynes of Edinglassie, Perkhaugh, over and neyr Dumeths, Glenbcig, Bonfaill, Hedriegall, Brasyde, Cottertoune and Burnsyde.

8th Septr., 1669. Saising George Gordone off Edinglassie, of all and haill that third part lands of Belchirie called Sockach, with the pertinents." ' 2 4

George married Mary ABERCROMBY, daughter of Sir Alexander ABERCROMBY MP, Baronet of Birkenbog and Jane URQUHART.1 (Mary ABERCROMBY was born about 1637.)

  Marriage Notes:

"His (Sir John Gordon's) Second Brother Sr George Gordon of Edenglassie Carnousie Sherriff-principal of Bamffshire and Captain of the Independent Troop of Horse that belonged to the Earl of Annandale married Mary Abercromby daughter to Sr Alexander Abercromby of Birkenbog, with whom he begat two sons and four daughters,"

from Balbithan MS 1


1 e-books, The House of Gordon vol. 1 ed. John Malcolm Bulloch (1903) Balbithan MS.

2 e-books, The House of Gordon vol. 1 ed. John Malcolm Bulloch (1903).

3 e-books, The House of Gordon vol. 1 ed. John Malcolm Bulloch (1903) Gight.

4 e-books, Records of the County of Banff 1660-1760 compiled by James Grant (1922).

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