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STRACHAN, James of Inchtuthill, Sir
(About 1578-1651)
(About 1608-)
FORBES, Thomas of Waterton
(About 1595-1652)
(About 1620-After 1665)
STRACHAN, James 3rd Baronet of Thornton & Minister of Keith, Sir
(About 1634-1715)
FORBES, Elizabeth 'lady of Thornton'
(About 1660-After 1715)


Family Links

1. GRANT, Sweton Minister of Duthil parish, Reverend Mr

STRACHAN, Grizel 1 2

  • Born: About 1660
  • Marriage (1): GRANT, Sweton Minister of Duthil parish, Reverend Mr 1 2
  • Died: After 12 February 1715 1

   User ID: H993.

Grizel married Reverend Mr Sweton GRANT Minister of Duthil parish.1 2 (Reverend Mr Sweton GRANT Minister of Duthil parish was born about 1657 and died in 1693 2 3.)

  Marriage Notes:

(at Duthil in 1683)

"Sweton Grant, educated at King's College Aberdeen ; M.A. (1677); ord. before 16th Oct. 1683 ; deprived by Decreet of the Privy Council, 7th Nov. 1689, for refusing to read the Proclamation of the Estates or to pray for King William and Queen Mary; died in 1693, aged about 36. He marr. Grizel, claugh. of Sir James Strachan of Thornton, min. of Keith, and had issue Louis, M.A. [Moray Tests.;Peterkin's Constitution. ]"

from Fasti Ecclesiae

On the 12th February 1715, Thomas Forbes of Thornton received a charter of adjudication under the Great Seal. Part of the text reads:

" 'Which said lands and others above mentioned, by another decreit of adjudication of the date the 21st June 1710, at the instance of Master Ludovic Grant, son of the deceased Master Ludovic Grant, minister of the Gospel at Duthell, lawfully procreated between him and Grizel Strachan, his wife, daughter of umquhile Sir James Strachan of Thorntoun, as having right by the assignation of his said mother, against the said James Strachan, eldest lawful son and heir of umquhile James Strachan, his father, and grandson and heir of the said Sir James Strachan, his grandfather, were adjudicated and declared to pertain to the said Master Ludovick Grant, his heirs and assignees, for default of payment of the sum (redemption deducted) of £3910 Scots, owed and not payed, as contained in the said decreit of adjudication ; which lands, infeftments, warrants, sums, etc., were assigned by the said Master Ludovic Grant to, and in favour of, the said Thomas Forbes, his heirs and assignees in heritage, as his heir and assignee, by his disposition and assignation of the dates the 9th March and 27th May 1713 ' (Reg. Mag. Sig., lib. xvi.. No. 103, fol. 170)."

from Memorials of Strachan and Wise (1877) 1 2


1 e-books, Memorials of the Scottish Families of Strachan and Wise by Charles Rogers (1877).

2 e-books, Fasti Ecclesiae Scoticanae vol. 6 Aberdeen & Moray by Hew Scott.

3 e-books, Scottish Episcopal Clergy 1689-2000 ed. David Bertie (in paper 2001).

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