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FARQUHARSON, Andrew 2nd of Allargue
(About 1675-)
STEWART, Barbara
(About 1696-)
ALLANACH, Alexander
(About 1690-)
FARQUHARSON, William of Toldquhill
ALLANACH, Jachebed
FARQUHARSON, Alexander in Belnaglack
(1737-About 1815)


Family Links

1. RITCHY, Jannet

FARQUHARSON, Alexander in Belnaglack 2 3 4

  • Baptised: 27 March 1737, Strathdon parish, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
  • Marriage (1): RITCHY, Jannet on 29 July 1770 in Glenbucket parish, Aberdeenshire, Scotland 1
  • Died: About 1815, Belnaglack, Glenbucket, Aberdeenshire, Scotland 2 5
  • Buried: Strathdon parish, Aberdeenshire, Scotland 2

   Other names for Alexander were ALEXANDER, Farqrson,3 4 FARQUCHARSON, Alexr 3 4 and FARQUEHARSON, Alexr.3 4

  General Notes:

Old Parish Register
Glenbucket Parish Aberdeenshire

"Baptisms in the year 1771
Alexr Farquharson in Belnaglack had a son baptized called John before witnesses Jerom and John Richies both there"

Alexander was a witness:

Old Parish Register
Glenbucket Parish Aberdeenshire

"October 25 1785
James Strachen in Drumnagarie had a daughter baptised called Isobel before witnesses"

An alternative record of this baptism records the information above and adds:
"Jerom Ritchie & Alexr Farquharson both in Belnaglack".

In his son, John's death certificate of 1862, Alexander Farquharson was recorded as a farmer.

" In Duff House Papers ( Aberdeen University MS 3175/ 1472/1) James Stuart reports to the Earl of Fife in 1788 that 'Belnaglack being eight oxgates land and possessed by Germ Ritchie and his two sons in law Alexr Farquharson & William Brodie, William Brodie possesses three oxgates and Germ Ritchie the fourth. William Brodie was [designed] at the setting of the tack in [Whit] 1782 to get Germ's oxgate at his death and then they would both possess alike. I believe their abilities are much the same, they are both due rent 1787, if any difference Alexander Farquharson is the most substantial.' In the margin the Earl responds that what was designed should be implemented - once rents for 1787 have been paid"
from http://www.dlwalker.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/Farquharsons.htm#Table 2 note 1
6 7 8

Alexander married Jannet RITCHY, daughter of Jerome RITCHY and Mary GILES, on 29 July 1770 in Glenbucket parish, Aberdeenshire, Scotland.1 (Jannet RITCHY was baptised on 11 September 1748 in Auchindoir and Kearn parish, Aberdeenshire, Scotland,1 died about 1843 in Belnaglack, Glenbucket, Aberdeenshire, Scotland 2 and was buried in Strathdon parish, Aberdeenshire, Scotland 2.)


1 LDS Family Search, IGI.

2 e-books, Aberdeenshire Epitaphs and Inscriptions by John A. Henderson (1907).

3 GRO Scotland, OPR Index of Births and Baptisms.

4 Old Parish Registers of the Church of Scotland, Glenbucket parish Aberdeenshire Baptisms.

5 Internet Site, www.clicktrees.com/familygroup.php?familyID=F1430&tree.

6 Old Parish Registers of the Church of Scotland, Glenbucket Parish Aberdeenshire Baptisms1785.

7 GRO Scotland, Glenbucket parish Aberdeenshire Deaths.

8 Internet Site, http://www.dlwalker.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/Farquharsons.htm#Table 3.

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