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GORDON, Alexander of Kethocksmill
(About 1578-)
GORDON, Thomas of Kethocksmill, bailie in Old Aberdeen
(About 1598-)


Family Links

1. LEITH, Catherine

GORDON, Thomas of Kethocksmill, bailie in Old Aberdeen 1

  • Born: About 1598
  • Marriage (1): LEITH, Catherine

   Other names for Thomas were GORDON, Thomas in Kethokismiln, Mr.,2 GORDON, Thomas of Kathock's-Mill,3 GORDONE, Thomas,2 GORDOUN, Thomas of Kethokismylne, Mr. 2 and GORDOUNE, Thomas, Mr.2

  General Notes:

June 18. Removing. Thomas Meingzies of Balgownie v. Mr. Thomas Gordoune sometime in Kethockismilne."

July 19. Thomas Meinzies of Balgownie v. Mr. Thomas Gordoune, sometime in Kethocksmilne, then in Ariburne. Cautioner Gilbert Hervie, burgess of Abd."

July 7. Loosing of Arrestment. Mr. Thomas Davidson, Commissar Clerk of Abd. v. Mr. Thomas Gordoun of Kethokismilne. Cautioner Alexr. Hervie in Watertoun. Peats in the Moss of Areburne."

Novr. 30. Mr. Thomas Gordon in Kethokismiln, as assignee of Patrick Sinklair and the late Katherine Gardyn, his wife v. Alexr. Donaldson, burgess of Abd. In absence of the Defender the case was admitted to the Pursuer's probation."

May 2. Mr. Thomas Gordoun of Kethokismylne, as assignee of Sir Alexr. Gordoun of Cluny v. George Mortimer in Haltoune, Alexr. Thomsone in Buchanestoune, Wm. Leslie of Wardes and others. Cautioner John Leith of Newlands."

"The name of Mr. Kennedie designed 'Toune Clerk' occurs in an Act of Curatory, on 16 September, 1661. The Minor was Margaret Chalmer, daughter of the late Mr. John Chalmer, Sheriff Clerk. The nearest of kin on the father's side were Mr. James Chalmer, Minister at Cullen, Mr. Wm. Chalmer, Minister at Skeen, and Mr. Kennedie. On the mother's side there were cited Robert Peacock, Merchant, burgess of Aberdeen, Mr. Alexr. Midltoun, Minister of Rayne, and Mr. Thomas Gordon of Kethocksmill."

from Records of the Sheriff Court

Aberdeen 2nd December 1659\emdash In obedience to the desire of Lord Generall Monk his letter direck to the noblemen and gentlemen of the shire of Aberdeen beiring dait the 15th November 1659 conveened within the laich tolbuith of Aberdeen the noblemen and heritouris afternamet
....(among a great many other names listed)... Kethoksmill"

from Records of Aboyne

"Anno 1660, April 30. The principal and members of the King's College, and Mr William Lind, late bailie in Old Aberdeen, elected betwixt them, for marching the common road or gate that goes to Tyle-burn, viz. Mr James Howey of Mameulay, Thomas Gordon of Cathock's Mill, and Thomas Angus, bailies in Old Aberdeen..."

from Description of the Chanonry 4 5 6

Thomas married Catherine LEITH. (Catherine LEITH was born about 1600.)

  Marriage Notes:

July 4.
Transferring. Mr. Thomas Gordoun in Kethokismilne and Catherine Leith, his wife v. Dame Elizabeth Leslie, wife of Sir George Curror of Fingask and Marjorie Leslie her sister, lawful daughters to the late Sir John I,eslie of Wardes, knight baronet, and John Gordon of Awachie 'oy' to the said Sir John, as his three lawful co-heirs of line served or at least charged to enter as such, and Wm. Leslie elder in Tillifour, brother german and heir male of the said Sir John, served or at least charged to enter as such. The liability under a Bond for 2500 merks, dated 21 May, 1627, and registered in the Sheriff Court Books on 5 May, 1631, was by this decree transferred passive in the persons of the Defenders. Besides Sir John Leslie, who was the real debtor, the bond had been signed by Wm. Leslie above mentioned, then of Ryhill, George Gordon of Rynie and Wm. Abercrombie of Kembhills as cautioners. One of the witnesses was John Leslie of Ardtannes."

from Sheriff Court Records 2


1 e-books, Scottish Episcopal Clergy 1689-2000 ed. David Bertie (in paper 2001).

2 e-books, Records of the Sheriff Court of Aberdeen ed. David Littlejohn (1904-1907).

3 e-books, A Description of the Chanonry, Cathedral, and King's College of Old Aberdeen by William Orem.

4 e-books, Records of the Sheriff Court of Aberdeenshire.

5 e-books, A Description of the Chanonry in Old Aberdeen, in 1724 and 1725 by William Orem.

6 e-books, The Records of Aboyne 1230-1681 edited by Charles XI Marquis of Huntly (1894).

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